mercy (TW BLOOD, SH)

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-"holy shit.." mike said not believing who was at the door.
- "m-max.." mike whispered scared.
- "give me maxine." Billy said holding a gun towards mike.
- "max" mike barely got out.
- "listen kid speak up or your DEAD!" Billy said moving his finger toward the trigger.
- "MAX!!" Mike yelled.
- "what happ-" max said coming in until billy pulled her outside, she let out a little scream causing the others to come see whats wrong.
- "any of you say anything just know i can kill you. YOU HEAR ME? ILL KILL YOU!!" Billy yelled dragging max to his new car throwing her inside, by now max was unconscious, billy started his car and drove off leaving the teens all stunned.
- "no..No..NO!" Mike said bursting out into tears.
- "what the HELL just happend?" Johnathan said coming to check out whos screaming.
- "billy took max" will said in a small voice.
- "isnt he in Brooklyn or something?" Jonathan asked.
- "woah ok ok, we will get max mom doesn't come back for 3 days so we can make a plan yeh?" Johnathan said trying to be calm.
- "can we all stay the night still?" Lucas asked.
- "perfect the faster we get this done the faster we get max" Johnathan answered, Johnathan and the teens stayed up all night making a plan to try and find max. Max had woken up on the floor of her old houses living room.
- "ugh..where am i?" She said rubbing her eyes, she got up and saw billy cooking breakfast.
- "hey sleepyhead" billy said putting eggs on a plate.
- "billy??" Max asked not believing this.
- "hey!" Billy replied putting her food on the table.
- "why are you being...nice?" Max said.
- "well when our parents abandoned you i ran away because i knew they would come for me and since your the only family i have left i might as well be nice" billy replied.
- "oh okay.." max said questionably.
- "so i heard the wheelers adopted you" billy said swallowing bacon.
- "yea a few weeks ago" max said sitting down.
- "well..your not going anywhere.." billy said staring max down.
- "yes i wont go anywhere" max gulped.
- "great! I have to go to work. I will be back at 5" billy said leaving and locking the door. Meanwhile johnathan figured they couldnt have gone out of town since the only way to exit hawkins had been under construction due to a car crash, johnathan thought he might stop by maxs house so the gang went in the car and drove over there, obviously max was horrified, she wont see her new girlfriend or her best friends only billy...forever..max was crying, she was just about to pierce the razor right in her upper thigh before she heard a knock.
- "BILLY?! IS THAT YOU?" Max yelled panicking and throwing the razor blade on the floor witch she slipped and cut her foot with causing a huge cut on her foot, there was blood everywhere, max got scared and started screaming since she was loosing alot of blood. This is gonna be my fait? A cut from something i was gonna hurt myself with on purpose? I deserve this anyway might as well keep cutting if im gonna die anyway. It was a stupid thought but max was gonna do it sooner or later, she picked up the razor blade and cut her arms, cheeks, legs, and hands.
- "MAX???" Mike yelled barging in the house.
- "m-mike.." Max barely got out.
- "holy shit" Mike said coming into the bathroom
- "oh my god. Max?, max are you okay." Jane said running into the bathroom seeing mike stare blankly at her.
- "i-i am..sorry." max whispered.
- "no, no..its okay your ok" jane said now sitting on the floor holding max covered in her blood.
- "j-j..ane?" Max whispered.
- "yea?" Jane said looking at max with heart eyes, even though she was bloody jane found her gorgeous.
- "i..i really, i-i am..s-so..sorry..i-i did this" max choked.
- "i love you to, but your gonna be okay" jane said crying at this point.
- "i want to die" max said clearly, max then pulled jane into one last kiss before she passed out.
- "max..Max..MAX?? NO!" Jane yelled sobbing.

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