(Chapter 7) Not So 'Happy' Birthday

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(3rd Person Pov)

Wednesday was sitted in the middle of her room, around her were lit candles and she held her necklace.

'In case your wondering, I don't hold séances very often. I can barley tolerate the living. Why would I want to commune with the dead?'

'But my mother told me, Goody is the only one that can train me to control my psychic ability. The sooner I master that, the sooner I crack this case.'

The door suddenly opened causing all of the lit candles to blow out. Wednesday slowly looked behind her at the ominous scene but quickly sighed when she spotted Enid.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your.. uh, do I even want to know?" Enid turned on the lights.

"I was reaching into the black maw of death to contact a relative." Wednesday stood up and left the circle.

"Feels very on brand for you. You have a relative namned Goody?" Enid asked while looking down at where Wednesday previously sat.

"She was one of the original outcasts." Wednesday crossed her arms. "Been attempting to summon her. But she seems to be ignoring my entreaties."

"Oh! You thought about using one of my scented candles?" Enid turned to her roomie.
"The aroma of steak tartare is to die for."

As she said that a paper slid through from under the door.

"Maybe Goody answered you after all." Enid said as Wednesday went over to examine the paper.

"I doubt she communicates in magazine cutouts." Wednesday replied as she read the paper that said.

If you want answers, meet inside Crackstone's crypt. Midnight.


Wednesday was walking through the wet forest with a flashlight. With Enid behind her, getting scared by every sound.

"You insisted on coming along." Wednesday flashed her flashlight at the blonde werewolf. "I was fine on my own."

"Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here." Wednesday said after examining the outside of the crypt.

"Ew. What died." Enid grimaced. "Smells like childhood." Wednesday stoicly added before turning to Enid.

"Come on." She said and opened the door. "Second thoughts. Why don't I just stay out here?" Enid suggested.

"You know as a.. Lookout." She flashed her flashlight into the dark forest.

Wednesday walked inside of the dark crypt and began looking around for anything.

"Enid?" She called out when she heard prassling from behind her. But then continued looking around.

"Whoever you are, show yourself." She stoicly said when she heard a noise once again.

"Try anything and you'll lose limbs." Wednesday harshly said causing the people to come out who so happened to be Y/N, Xaiver and the rest of the Nightshades except for Bianca.

"Suprise!" They all cheered and laughed before beginning to sing happy birthday to Wednesday.

"Happy birthday, dear Wednesday~" They sang as Enid came out with the birthday cake.

Wednesday flashed her flashlight towards Thing who was happily swinging his fingers over the counter and had a mini party hat on.

"I should have known you were behind this. What part of 'No party under the penalty of death' do you not understand?"

♡Mon Cheri♡ (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now