(Chapter 9) Right Or Wrong

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(3rd Person Pov)

It was now midnight and Y/N had finished cleaning up the crypt and now he was making his way back to his shared dorm.

His thoughts were full with the raven haired girl whom he recently has shared a moment with.

Y/N began overthinking about some things since they parted ways awkwardly. And whilst he was doing so he bumped into someone.

He looked over at the shorter person he bumped into and it was Wednesday, carrying something in her arms.

"Wednesday, what are you doing here? Weren't you at you dorm?" He asked as the girl aruptly stood up.

"It's Thing! I found him stabbed in my room and he isn't moving!" The words quickly sprew out of her mouth as Y/N looked down at the bleeding hand on a white towel.

"Shit, they got him good..." He mumbled before looking up at Wednesday again. He had never seen her look that agitated and scared before.

"Do you know anyone with medical experience?" Y/N put his hands on her shoulders to try and calm her down.

"My uncle.." She softly responded. "Okay, let me carry him as you lead the way. It'll be fine, alright Wednesday?"

Y/N looked eagerly in her eyes but she was a little hesitant to let Thing out of her arms. "Do you trust me?" The male spoke up causing her to snap out of it.

Wednesday slowly nodded and then handed Thing over to Y/N.

"Lead the way!" Y/N exclaimed and the duo began to run towards the beehouse where her uncle was staying at.


"Fester? Fester, help!" Wednesday shouted out and opened the door leading to the inside of the bee house.

"Help! Help! Things not moving!" She and Y/N ran over to the now awoken Uncle Fester.

"He was stabbed!" Y/N said and Fester ordered him to get Thing on the table to which he quickly complied to.

Uncle Fester goes over to the table and began rubbing his hands together creating an electric shock in-between his fingers before using his index fingers to zap Thing.

Y/N and a teary eyed Wednesday watched patiently for him to move but was met with disappointment.

"Oh, come on, Thing." Fester muttered anxiously as he tried once again and was met with no response.

"Come on.. come on.." Y/N gritted his fangs he was definitely going to find the person who made Thing and Wednesday suffer, pay.

Fester sighed out of sorrow whilst shaking his head. "He's gone, Wednesday."

"No, he's not. Thing." The braided girl pulled the towel towards her. "If you can hear me.. if you die, I will kill you." She looked down at him with red eyes.

"Go again." Wednesday put the towel infront of Fester again. "Now! Again, please!" She hit the table causing Fester to begin rubbing his hands again.

Fester tried again but like the other failed attempts, Thing didn't move.

Wednesday's cold hands were subtly shaking and in an attempt of reassurance Y/N's warm hands found themselves ontop of hers.

When she looked over to the (H/C) haired werewolf he gave her an reassuring nod to which she nodded a little back while wiping away her tears.

Their eyes fell once again on the bleeding hand as Fester tried zapping him back to life. Silence was loud as they waited for an response.

Slowly but surely Thing moved his fingers revealing that he was still alive.

♡Mon Cheri♡ (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now