Visiting The Addams

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(3rd Person Pov)

A few weeks has passed since school was canceled and Y/N was laying on his bed at home, reading the conversations him and Wednesday had during those weeks.

It has been a long time since Y/N had physically seen Wednesday. Her silky black her, her monotonous voice she had when she insulted him. Calls just didn't cut it anymore.

Then suddenly an idea struck him, the werewolf opened his phone and rang Wednesday on face time.

It wasn't a long wait until Wednesday answered. She was sitted down on a chair, judging from the background the room she was in was her bedroom.

'Hey Wends, I just had a crazy idea. What If I came to New Jersey to visit you?'  Y/N spoke up.

'Sounds like a nuisance. Also, what did I tell you would happen if you called me by that name?'

'Yeah, yeah, you will cut off my tounge. But that's not important. Think about it, then I can introduce myself better to your parents and spend more time with you.'

Wednesday didn't reply instead she glanced away as if she was considering it. It's not like she doesn't miss him. It's the opposite actually, she does alot. But she would rather eat rat poison then ever admit it to him.

'I've been so lonely these past weeks.. please..?'  The werewolf pleaded.

The gothic girl took one look at Y/N before she sighed and agreed but only on one condition, that he behaved.

'Alright! I'll pack my things and I'll book a flight right now!' Y/N chuckled as he cheerfully got out of bed.

'Things..? What do you mean? How long will you be staying-'

Before Wednesday could finish her sentence, the (H/C) haired boy hanged up on herand immediately started packing up for the journey.


After hours of traveling, Y/N had finally made it to the Addams estate. He didn't pack alot of things so everything fit in his bagpack.

The Addams gate immediately opened for him when he was near and the male he walked through.

"Woah.." The werewolf muttered as he began walking towards the house whilst admiring the dark mansion.

Before Y/N could ring the doorbell, the door opened and a hand crawled up his body.

"Stop it Thing, that tickles!" Y/N chuckled as Thing made it up to his shoulder. "I've missed you too." He smiled.

"Y/N." The male heared a voice he recognized. He looked down to be met with dark eyes. "Wednesday!" He exclaimed.

She was wearing one of her casual outfit that Y/N saw alot back at the academy.

The (H/C) hairer werewolf tried to hug her but got pushed back mid-way by her hand. "Save your enthusiasm for later." The gothic girl stated.

"Oh, look Gomez! Our guest has arrived." Y/N looked over Wednesday's shoulder and spotted a tall woman wearing a black dress walking up to them with her shorter husband.

♡Mon Cheri♡ (Wednesday x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now