Chapter 13

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Guess what? I UPDATED. A little too late but until school ends (in like 4 weeks) I'll be updating every week rather than every three days. BUT ONCE AGAIN THANKS FOR ALL THE READS, LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE DAY SINCE THE LAST UPDATE, EVERY TIME I CHECK MY NOTIFICATION SOMEONE ADDS THIS TO THEIR READING LIST!!!

Chapter 13

I freeze. I'm so dead.

"Well well. I guess you don't care about that pretty little face of yours do you?" He says, his voice filled with poison.

"If you think I'm going to stay here and not try to escape, you thought so wrong." I spit back. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I shouldn't speak at all. But I really have no control over what I say.

"You little bitch." He says harshly and takes my hand.

Even through my protests, he drags me back to the room where the guy is still curled up on the ground. I roll my eyes, what a baby. Psychopath kicks him.

"Get up you little shit, I gave you one job and you couldn't even do that." He commands, kicking him. The guy winces an slowly gets up.

"But she kicked me in the balls." he replies holding his crotch, standing.

"Then why did you fucking let her!" He screams. I stand a little further behind the psychopath. The other guy looks at me with anger.

"Because she, well she... she seduced me." he says finally really softly. I start to heat up. Great. Psychopath doesn't say anything for a while, then finally starts laughing.

"Are you kidding me?! She seduced you. Ohh I want to see that." he says between his fits of laughter. He then turns around to me and walks toward me in a painfully slow pace.

"Maybe you could show me someday sugar." He whispers coldly and trails his finger across my cheek. I stand paralyzed closing my eyes. He finally sighs and let's go.

"Well we've got a busy schedule today. Today is when we take this to another level. Its time for stage two, the revelation. You ready sugar, cause you're in for a wild ride." He says with a evil smile playing on his lips.

No, I was definitely not ready.


I sit hugging my legs to my chest, awaiting. I don't know what phycopath has planned, but I can gaurentee it's not going to be pretty. The thing that really shocks me is the fact of why he hates me so much. Somewhere deep inside, I think it has something to do with Rick Korsolus. That man is going to be the death of me. The door suddenly opens and in steps psychopath with a device that looks like an iPad.

"Are you ready sugar to take this to the next level?" He asks in his low menacing voice. I don't do anything and just sit, trying to avoid eye contact. Maybe he'll go away.

"You know you can look at me." he says but I don't do anything still. Suddenly he screams.

"Look at me you bitch!"

I snap my head up, frightened he might do something.

"That's more like it. Now it's time to FaceTime your little boyfriend." He smirks. I frown. Boyfriend? I have no boyfriend. Wait, was he talking about Steve? No, he can't be. That just would be stupid. Who was he talking about then? Psychopath walks over and plops down right next to me. I scoot further but he scoots closer. He then puts his arms around me and I want to take it out of its sockets. But I hold still, curious to find what he was talking about.

The FaceTime is still calling but suddenly someone picks up. And the face of who I see shocks me but somehow doesn't really surprise me.

"Rick!?" I exclaim.

"Kylie!" He says in his groggy voice. He rubs his eyes, had he just woken up?

"Why are you calling me. No how did you find my number? Wait are saying yes to my offer?" He asks ending it with a smirk. I blush thinking about the day at the restaurant. But I would relive that day in a moment in exchange for this hell place.

"Ohh I see a little inside joke between you two love birds." Psychopath says. I frown. Love birds?

"Kylie, who is that? Is that a guy?" Rick questions, it almost as if he's mad. But why would he be, in fact I should be since I'm in this mess because of him.

Suddenly psychopath snatches the iPad from my hand and reveals his face to Rick. I hear a gasp from the other side.

"You!" Rick exclaims. Psychopath sneers, finding immense glee.

"Yes Rick me, and guess who I have with me, your girl." Psychopath says turning the iPad to a scared me.

"And I have so many things planned for us today. You ready." He finishes and I hear nothing from the other side, Rick just looks shocked and turns to me with a terrified expression that mirrors mine.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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