Fear of Blood

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T/W- blood

Kim's POV:
God today was so long. I got into two fights for literally no reason. Well shit, when Porchay finds out it will probably be 2 fights and a beating.

Chay can sometimes act like my mom, but hey whose boyfriend of 4 years wouldn't look after you like one? Anyways, my boyfriend is always scared of me going out for reasons like what I look like this very second. Getting into fights or fucking getting killed! How could I be killed? I'm like one of the strongest people I know! Whatever.

On my drive home I kept looking in the rear view mirror. God I looked awful! I had a black eye, bloody lip, and blood gushing from my nose. Wait... blood.... fuck! Porchay hates blood so much. Damnit!

I had no napkins or anything to clean the blood from my face. I had no other choice but to go in and run to the bathroom. I sighed and start heading to the door, but before I could reach the doorknob the door opened. Fucking hell of course he was worried about me and waited for me. It was 1:45 am. I tried to cover my face so he wouldn't freak but he grabbed my arms and held them at my sides. "Babe, what the hell happened?!" He semi-yelled yanking me inside the house.

He grabbed tissues and the first aid kit. He held the tissues to my very bloody nose and couldn't for long, I pushed his arms and hissed in pain. God I hate this, I hate seeing the love of my life so full of worry and concern. That's when I noticed his face in more detail. He was really pale, his breathing was becoming hitched, and he was stumbling a bit. He started to struggled to even stand, stumbling back but I grabbed his waist and pulled him to me. "Angel, what's wrong?" I go to feel his forehead but froze at the cold breathe on my neck.

I heard his whisper which shattered me quick, "dizzy...." was all he could say before falling into my arms.

Fucking hell I knew something would happen. I lower his body to the floor and pick him up so his legs are on either side of my hips and his head is resting on my shoulder. His arms were flopping with every step I took. I slowly lowered him on the couch still holding his head and pushing a pillow under it so he wouldn't get hurt by accident. I quickly got up and got some disinfecting wipes, a cold damp cloth, and the first aid kit he got earlier.

This is not the first time he has passed out in front of me, so I knew what to do. I brought everything and say next to him on the couch. I opened the first aid kit and cleaned up all the blood from my face so when he woke up he wouldn't freak again. I got the cold cloth and wiped his face and neck trying to get him to regain consciousness. It wasn't working so I set the cloth down and grabbed the disinfectant wipe. I was moving them left to right under his nose so he would wake up.

It worked quicker then usual this time. He slowly opened his eyes and tried to sit up but I stopped him. "Baby no, you need rest," I said laying his head back down.

I knew he would be okay. "Angel are you dizzy? Do you feel okay?" I asked gently as I held his hand.

He just shook his head at me and smiled. I smiled back. I bent down and kissed his forehead, that's when I noticed he had a fever. I grabbed the now warm cloth and started to stand, just then I felt a small pair of hands holding my wrist. I turn to see the younger already staring at me with glossy eyes and a quivering lip. "Please don't go babe," the younger boy said, almost whispering.

"Angel, I won't go if you don't want me to." I said in a reassuring tone.

He just smiled and shuffled over a bit. I knew what he wanted to I gently payed down next to him. He rolled and put his head on my chest and entangled our legs together. So precious I couldn't take it. I wrapped an arm around his waist tightly pulling his closet to me. I took my free hand and cut it around his neck but not too tight, I didn't wanna kill the love of my life.

He look up at me and gave me a big smile. God i missed him today. I love his cuddles, especially after a long day. I love him way more though. I bent down and kissed his forehead, he started to giggle at the feeling I left. I smiled seeing the view in front of me unravel. I moved my hand that was around his back to his hair and started rubbing and playing with his hair. I knew this was a comfort thing for him.

His eyes were shut and he had his mouth a bit open with soft snores coming from it. I smiled and grabbed my phone, I took a picture of him on my chest hugging me like the world was about to end. Gosh how did he manage to hug me this tight while SLEEPING? Anyways, I kissed his forehead and whispered, "goodnight my sweet baby boy. I love you so so so much." I then drifted off to sleep cuddling with the love of my life.

how did we like it?! anyways does anyone have any requests? DM me or just comment!! Thank you love y'all! 968 words

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