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Kims POV:
"Come on baby wake up," I whisper into
Barcodes ear.

He doesn't stir which isn't like him. I then try to kiss him all over his face, it's only then do I notice how hot and sweaty he is. I get up from the bed and grab the thermometer and go back to the room. He moved his position in the bed so he has all of the blankets on top of him. I walk to him and remove the blankets, I watched as he starts to shiver, then blindly looking for the blankets again. I giggle to myself and hold his hand, he slowly starts to wake up. He takes a few seconds to realize I was there. "Hi Angel," I whispered to him, moving his damp hair off of his sweaty forehead.

I take the thermometer and put it under his tongue. It beeped and read 38.7 (102.7). I sigh sadly and look into his glossy face, I kiss his nose and help him sit up. "Let's take a cold shower and try to get some medicine in you okay?" I ask him softly.

He slowly nods with his head on my shoulder, I carefully picked him up bridle style and carried him to the bathroom. I set him on the toilet lid and turn to fill the tub. Before I can let go of him I feel a tug on my sleeve. I look over to see Barcode pale as a ghost, hand over his mouth. I quickly stood him up and brought him to the floor and opened the toilet lid. He threw up most of what he ate in the past day or two.

3rd person POV:
What felt like forever to the couple Barcode finally stopped releasing the toxic liquid into the bowl. Breathing heavy he put all his body weight onto Kim. The older rubbed his shoulders, letting his lover's stomach take a break for the hard work it just did.

Time skip after the shower because i'm too lazy

Kim put Barcode into his hoodie and sweatpants and carried him into their shared bedroom, laying him down he grabbed a trash can, water, medicine, and Barcodes favorite cat plushie. He gave the plushie to the boy and handed the medicine to him along with the water. He waited as the younger slowly took the pills he was given and payed back down. Kim set the half empty water down and layer next to his lover. Instantly both of them falling asleep in the warmth of each other.

KimChay/JeffCode OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now