Car Sick

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Chays POV:
Kim and I are currently on our way to my brother, Porsche, and his husband, Kinns, house. We are going to have dinner with them and their 3 year old daughter.

I look out the window, admiring the trees passing by, the sun that is starting to set, the birds flying. I turn to see the love of my life driving, his black shiny hair in a ponytail, 2 strands in front of his face. I smile at him and turn back to the window.

Maybe 15 minutes later we get to the one road that curves and swerves like crazy, I hate this road so much. I started to feel that one feeling in my stomach, I started to sweat, my back was getting hot, the warm saliva building up in my mouth. "KIM STOP IMMA BE SICK" I yell and throw my hand over my mouth.

Everything became blurry as I felt the car stop. I whipped open my car door and poured out my stomach. I felt a hand rubbing my back and my hair being held out of my face. What felt like forever I finally stopped throwing up, I stand up slowly catching my breath. "You okay now baby?" Kim asks in a gentle tone, still rubbing my back.

I just nod since I feel like if I say anything I will throw up again. "You wanna try again or wait?" He asks me.

"T-try" I say, tears start to fall down my face.

"Hey it's okay baby, it's okay." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Let's get back in the car and if you feel sick again tell me right away, okay?" He asks playing with my hair.

"mhmm" I hum.

We ended up getting to the house and staying the night. We played with Pixie (Porsche and Kinns daughters name) and we cuddled all night.

KimChay/JeffCode OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now