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a/n: i'm alive i swear! i have volleyball and keep in mind i'm a student so please be patient. THANK YOU!!
tw: slight mention of blood
3rd person:
Chay has had something called Epilepsy for most of his life. Only Kim and his brother Porsche knew about it, which gave him tons of support and a high dose of encouragement from the older. Kim is always there for him, ALWAYS. Not one moment passed where he let the younger overwork himself or stress himself out. Kim would always take matters into his own hands and make Chay go to bed, eat, wash up, and even get changed. Yeah Kim was a big part in Chays life.

Chays POV:
Me and Kim were walking to the bathroom, we were ganna get ready for bed. In the hallway I froze, but muscles tensed up and my legs started shaking. Kim turned around and looked at me before worry was plastered on his face. He ran to me and caught me before I could hit anything. I can't remember what really happened besides the burning sensation in my body and the bleeding i could taste. I felt Kim move and come back with a pillow for my head and a small washcloth for my mouth.

Kim's POV:
I watched, knowing I cant do anything but talk him through it, time it, and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. It felt like an eternity but soon it came to an end. He payed motionless, head on the pillow and the washcloth laying in his mouth. I stopped the timer. 4 minutes and 16 seconds. Almost the time he told me to make sure it didn't reach, or he would have a hospital visit. "Hey your okay," I say grabbing his head and placing it on my shoulder, making him lean into me.

I head him whimper as i moved him. "I-it h-h-hurts Kimmy," he said barely over a whisper.

"I know baby but you are okay now, it's over I promise your okay." I said while I move my hand to his hair, massaging his scalp while my other hand massaged his stomach.

We sat on the floor for a minute so Chay could rest a bit. I lifted him from the floor and held him brittle style. I walk us both to the bed, ignoring the toothbrushes we were ganna use. I set him on the bed and grabbed my light blue hoodie and some grey sweatpants for Chay and some grey shorts and a black hoodie for myself. I changed Chay first then myself, only because he is way mor important to me then myself. I walked over to him once I finished and lay down, moving Chay closer so he can lay on me. We lay there for a while, me whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he drifted into slumber. "Goodnight baby, feel better." I said while falling into dream land along with Chay.

Sorry i haven't been updating! I forgot about the app and I have also been very stressed with school and my sport! Please be patient. 520 words

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