Chapter 1 - Why Are You Running?

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A pounding sound grew louder. Soon it became noticeable. It was the sound of blood pushing against eardrums as the heart pumped furiously. It matched the frequent steps that Mike made as he ran down the track. There were only fifty meters to go. In practice it took no time at all. But as Mike looked to the audience, time slowed to a crawl. There, surrounded by her two close friends, was Summer. She was sitting on the grass with her legs almost outstretched, putting her white Nike shoes at a 45-degree angle. They matched her fair skin which was exposed by shorts and a crop top. Mike's heart only seemed to pound harder as he saw Summer smiling at him encouragingly with her pink lips and olive eyes.

Mike snapped his head back as he saw his friend James overtaking him.

There's no way I'm letting James steal my thunder! Mike thought.

There was only a little left to give, but it was enough. Mike strained forwards at a pace that seemed far too slow. Even so, he gradually he moved ahead of James. James didn't show any signs of giving up though as they began running neck-and-neck. Mike fought the urge to push James away to get ahead.

Ten meters to go. James keeping pace.

Five meters.

Mike pointed his head forwards and hoped for the best. It passed through the gate first, giving him a slight time advantage. Mike ran an additional ten meters as he slowed down. He looked back sharply to see the results and was immediately enthralled to see he was a fraction of a second faster than James.

'Damn, Mike!' James exclaimed. 'I see you've been training in your free time!'

Mike laughed. 'You nearly had me there!'

The two friends patted each other on the shoulder.

'Anyway, I've got to go drain the dragon,' James said as he walked off to the bathrooms.

'Oh, ok,' Mike chuckled.

Mike set off down towards the pop-up tents where his friends were. Several people from his class got up to congratulate him, to Mike's appreciation. His focus was elsewhere, though. Soon he spotted blonde hair amongst the crowd and knew he had found Summer. Mike noticed her two friends next to her: Ava and Zoey. Ava had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair and was the shortest of the three at 5' 2", while Zoey had dark hair and dark eyes and was 5' 4" like Summer. Mike stood well above them at 6'.

Summer smiled at Mike as they locked eyes. Mike returned the smile.

'Hey,' Mike said.

'Hey, you!' Summer beamed. 'That was amazing!'

'I guess it was worth buying all that protein shake,' Mike shrugged.

Summer giggled. It was a sound that couldn't be matched by any other. Mike's heart throbbed every time he heard it. Summer glanced at Mike's legs, and for a moment Mike wondered if Summer was checking him out.

'You should sit down after that,' Summer persuaded. 'Come sit with us.'

Mike looked over at Ava and Zoey who were busy talking to others. As much as Mike wanted to sit with Summer, he felt nervous about making a bad impression, especially around her friends.

I'll just take a moment to gather my thoughts, Mike decided.

'Sure,' Mike smiled. 'I'll just be back in a sec.'

'Oh, sure,' Summer replied.

Mike felt his body jittering in a mix of excitement and nervousness as he walked towards the bathroom. What should I say to her? What if she gets bored of me? Mike's mind raced even though from the outside he was walking calmly. He sighed as he sat down in a cubical.

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