Chapter 7 - Home Invasion

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The first thing Mike noticed when he woke up was a pungent, acidic smell. Then, as Mike sat upright, he noticed the aching pains all throughout his body, and the sharp pain of his arm.

'Urgh,' Mike muttered.

'Well, look who's finally awake,' Guy commented dryly.

Mike opened his eyes to see the inside of the cave. The lightbulb illuminated the big pumpkin kernel in the center, along with a small pile of chip fragments. Lucas sat with his legs up in a corner and Guy sat outstretched in the opposite corner. Guy had fabric from Summer's sheet wrapped around his arm.

'Oh, this?' Guy asked, noticing Mike look at his arm. 'It's nothing. The ant just cut it a bit, is all.'

'It's bad,' Daniel said as he slipped through the crack with a pile of chip fragments. Despite a glare from Guy, Daniel went on to explain. 'Guy has a high pain tolerance, but he's been wincing all day form the pain. There are some deep cuts, and there's probably nerve damage from the way the ant pulled his arm.'

Mike frowned. 'I'm... sorry to hear that. I guess we're the same, now.'

'We're nothing alike,' Guy snarled. He got up and left the room with all eyes trained on him.

'He's not usually this bad,' Daniel said. 'It's the pain that's making him like this.'

Mike got up to leave the cave, but Daniel got in his way. 'Leave him be. Besides, with your injuries all you should be resting.'

Mike didn't protest. He knew his relationship with Guy and Daniel was already strained. He didn't want to worsen it any more than he had to. Mike grabbed a handful of chip fragments and began eating them.

'You should really be eating the pumpkin kernel,' Daniel advised.

Mike sighed and ripped a piece of the kernel as well.

'By the way, what's the time?' Mike asked, remembering what Guy said earlier.

'You've been asleep for quite a while,' Daniel answered. 'It's the afternoon now.'

Mike rubbed his eyes. It felt like it from his aching joints.

'And what's that smell?'

'It's the ant we killed. It's too heavy for us to move. At least for now.'

'Won't that bring more ants?'

'Hopefully,' Daniel said. 'If any more scouts come looking for food, we can kill them.'

Mike nodded. 'Fair point.'

Mike looked over at Lucas. He hadn't moved since Mike woke up and his eyes were glazy and unfocused.

'You alright, bud?' Mike asked.

Lucas snapped out of it. 'Oh, yeah. I'm fine.'

Mike wasn't convinced. He's been trapped down here for years while his sister killed the people around him. Why would be he fine?

Lucas noticed Mike was still looking at him. Mike smiled slightly and looked away.

'You know, your sister's a great person,' Mike said.

'You think so too?' Lucas asked happily.

'Of course!' Mike's smile grew. 'She's really friendly, even to strangers. Isn't that right, Daniel?'

Daniel nodded slowly, then said in a low voice, 'yeah, she is.'

Mike's smile faltered as Daniel didn't return it.

'When I first met her, she was friendly and appreciative,' Daniel continued. 'But after seeing her kill Kyle and the others, I've come to wish I was stuck with someone more observant rather than friendly.'

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