Chapter 13 - Karaoke

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The cold hard glass didn't feel particularly comfortable, but Blake would rather be on glass than on Summer's warm soft finger. It was the most dangerous place he could be in.

It was dark, except for a thin slit of light from above dimly illuminating the interior of a handbag. Blake could understand the situation outside fine though, as sound reverberated through the glass chamber. Summer had just gotten on a bus on her way to her friends. She had refused to tell Blake where she was headed, as she smilingly told Blake it was a secret. Blake didn't smile back, but he was too small for her to notice.

Suddenly light poured in as the handbag opened. Blake was blinded for a second as the light reflected off all the surfaces. When he opened his eyes, he saw the goddess looking down at him excitedly.

'Here, I've got a little something for you!' Summer exclaimed.

A huge pair of hands wrapped around the lid, casting Blake into shadow like an eclipse. Blake was worried that she was taking him out, but to his surprise Summer dropped down a tiny piece of fabric. It was as if Summer had read his mind.

'Hopefully that makes it a little cosier in there for you!'

Summer looked up and closed the lid, casting Blake back into darkness. It looked to Blake like she was a little worried about other people seeing her talk into her handbag. It was a relieving thought for Blake. It was as if she wanted to keep him all to herself.

Blake wrapped himself up in the cloth. It helped immediately. It was far nicer than the dusty carpet he was used to in Summer's room.

Soon the bus stopped, and Blake felt the jolting of Summer's wide footsteps. Their crashes with the ground sent shockwaves through the jar. The whole experience was making Blake second-guess his decision to reveal himself. Maybe that little creep had it right all along. I should have just stayed hidden like him!

'Hey Summer!' Cried a distant voice. It was a voice Blake was unfamiliar with.

'Hey Ava and Zoey!' Summer responded.

'Aww, you're looking cute in that outfit!' Zoey said.

Blake couldn't agree more. He had seen it this morning. It was a white miniskirt with matching white shoes and socks and a tight blue shirt. Summer smiled and did a little twirl around in appreciation.

'You look like a tennis plyer!' Ava laughed.

'Oh, shut up Ava!' Summer smirked.

The girls began walking together. Blake wrapped himself up as best he could to avoid the strong impacts of Summer's footsteps. If her footsteps are this powerful so far away, I can't imagine how much power is in her footsteps up close.

'Oo, we should get crepes!' Ava suggested.

'Yeah!' Summer smiled. 'These banana and cinnamon crepes are soo good!'

'If you say so!' Ava said.

Soon they all had banana and cinnamon crepes. Blake could see occasional glimpses of Summer eating through the gap in the handbag. One tiny lick by Summer could fit dozens of tiny people.

'So, have you found anyone yet, Summer?' Ava teased.

'Mike seems nice.'

Ava frowned. 'Who's Mike?'

Summer paused. 'Oh, I... I don't know.'

Blake began laughing. 'They've already forgotten about you, Sleeping Beauty!'

Ava and Zoey looked at each other in confusion.

'I've just been studying so much recently, I'm kind of braindead!' Summer laughed it away.

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