Chapter 15 - Battle for Summer

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Summer bounced up the concrete steps to the front door. It was bathed in orange light as the sun slid to the horizon. It was a bit later than Summer had intended. Her friends wanted to hang around longer after they were introduced to Summer's tiny boy. Now, Summer couldn't wait to get back in her room. She finally had the tiny all to herself.

It took Summer no time to reach her room. She closed the door behind her and immediately sat on her chair. She slowed down as she pulled out the jar with Blake inside, taking extra care to ensure his safety. She smiled as she held the jar up to her eye. Her smile faded a little as she couldn't see Blake.

Blake held onto the edges of the fabric tightly. He looked out through a tiny gap to see he was back in Summer's room. His eyes darted to objects on the tabletop where he could run to. There was a pencil and a small pot plant.

Suddenly the world began to topple over as the jar tipped. Blake held on tighter. Soon gravity took control and Blake tumbled down the glass surface. He landed on the desk with an impact that ripped the fabric from Blake's hands. As he let go, the fabric flattened out to expose Blake.

'There you are!' Summer sighed. 'I was getting a little worried!'

Blake eyed his escape routes closely.

'Oh, you must be hungry!' Summer said. 'Let me get you something to nibble on.'

Blake felt excited as he saw Summer stand back up. This is my chance! His heart dropped again though as Summer placed the jar back over him.

'Sorry, I don't want you getting hurt!' Summer explained as she walked away. 'I'll be back soon!'

As she left the door, Blake sprang into action. He ran towards the edge of the jar and realised there was a tiny gap as the jar rested on the fabric. Blake squeezed through slowly. He was convinced that he would be caught, but he popped out on the other side. Immediately he raced towards the pot plant. As he turned around it, he noticed Mike standing there. Mike was already expecting him.

'You trying to stop me, Sleeping Beauty?'

Blake didn't slow down. There was no need to with Mike's injury.

'How convenient that you appear right now! When I've stopped you, I'll have Summer all to myself!'

'Aren't you forgetting someone?'

'Oh please, that creep wouldn't do anything, even if he could.'

Blake eyed Mike as he ran towards him. Mike seemed too confident. It's a stupid bluff. He's trying to scare me away, so he has enough time to grab Summer's attention. If I kill him now, that won't be an issue!

Blake slammed into Mike, knocking him to the ground and winding him. Before Mike could get a chance to breathe, he felt the nook of Blake's elbow around his throat. Mike spluttered for breath and writhed.

'You're just a dumb runner. In the end, you ran to your death.'

Blake saw a shadow come over him. His eyes widened in surprise. Before he could jump away, a much stronger arm wrapped around Blake's own neck. Blake let go, leaving Mike to cough and splutter.

Suddenly the door burst open, and Summer's heavy footsteps boomed towards them.

'Don't let go!' Mike coughed.

'So, you're the little psycho?' Guy spat. 'Who the fuck do you think you are, trying to kill my team?'

'Where are you, Blakey?' Summer asked. She lifted the jar up and folded over the fabric and gasped when she couldn't see him.

Blake writhed and kicked.

'Hold his legs!' Guy yelled.

Mike got up and tried to grab hold, but Blake kicked him away. Mike landed with a thud. He looked to his side and his eyes widened as he saw Summer looking directly at him. In an instant, her huge hand grabbed the plant and lifted it up, exposing the tinies.

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