Part 17

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Jughead- Betty, what's going on?

Betty- Please don't touch me, Jug. Please. (tears)

Jughead- Betts...

She rolled off the bed and pulled herself up as she walked into the bathroom to put some clothing on. Jughead decided to give her a minute, but when she didn't walk back into the bedroom he got up and went into the bathroom to see her standing at the counter.

Jughead- What is going on with you right now?

Betty- Nothing, Jughead, just drop it.

Jughead- No, seriously, why do you keep trying to avoid me?

Betty- I'm not trying to avoid you, I just need some space.

Jughead- Just tell me why? What's bothering you?

Betty- You keep trying to kiss me and fuck me but it's too much right now! (yells)

He went silent for a moment before rubbing her hand over his face and yelling back at her.

Jughead- I thought this was what you wanted?! (yells)

Betty- I don't want you to do what you think I want! All I want is you! I want you to love me! (tears while yelling)

Jughead- Fuck, Betty! I can't do this right now! (groans)

Betty- Fine, leave then! (cries)

Jughead- Do you want me to leave?!

Betty- Do whatever the fuck you want, Jughead! I don't care anymore! I don't have the energy to care! (cries)

So he left.

Betty walked over to the door, but before slamming it, she yelled:

Betty- Fuck you!

As soon as the door had shut she walked over to her bed, laying down and bursting into tears.


She laid in bed, crying, for a few hours, but slowly her stomach was beginning to cramp. She placed one of her hands gently on her stomach, rubbing it lightly, but the baby was kicking like crazy which was hurting her a lot.

Betty-, please calm down. (sniffles)

The baby continued to kick over and over again, making Betty need to use the bathroom. She slowly got up and walked into the bathroom, but as soon as she sat down at the toilet she realized she had been bleeding.

Betty- O-Oh my god! Jughead! H-Help!  (cries)

She knew he had left but she didn't know what to do...but when she saw him run into the bedroom she let out a deep sigh of relief.

Betty- J-Jug, help me! (cries)

Jughead- Betts...

He ran to her and knelt down in front of her, but that's when he saw the blood.

Jughead- H-Holy shit...

Betty- Is it really that bad? (cries)

Jughead- Don't worry about it, let's just get to the hospital. Can you stand up?

Betty- I d-don't know. (cries)

Jughead- Shh, it's okay, it's okay...just give me your hands, baby.

She nodded and reached out for him. He pulled her up and helped her get her pants back up before getting her down the stairs. He brought her down to the car and helped her sit in the passenger's seat before kissing her head.

Jughead- Let me go grab a few extra pairs of clothes for us, I'll be right back.

She nodded and continued to rub her stomach, but that's when she noticed the baby had stopped kicking.

Betty- N-No, no, no! (cries)

She continued to rub her stomach as she began to sob, but when Jughead got back to the car and saw the state Betty was in, he grabbed her hands and rubbed them gently trying to calm her down.

Jughead- Betty, honey, breath. What's going on?

Betty- The baby's not moving! (sobs)

Jughead- I-It's gonna be okay, I promise, just try to stay calm.

She nodded and shut her eyes as she continued to cry. He held one of her hands as he began to drive them to the hospital. The whole way she squeezed his hand, but as they arrived he held onto her and helped her walk into the emergency room. And instantly the receptionist saw the two and the blood that was all over Betty's pants.

Receptionist- Gurney! We need a gurney!

The receptionist ran to Betty's side to help Jughead hold her up, then multiple nurses arrived and laid her down on the gurney before wheeling her to a room.

Nurse- What happened sir?!

Jughead- My wife, she's pregnant, but she just started bleeding, we don't know what's happening!

Betty- Please tell me my baby is going to be okay. (cries)

Nurse- We're going to do our best, honey.

They all quickly rushed into a room and got Betty into a hospital gown, then a few doctors came in. The nurses and doctors did a quick ultrasound on Betty before checking the baby's heart rate. But instantly all of their faces fell.

Betty- What is it? What's happening? (cries)

Doctor- Have you been through a lot of stress lately? (nervously)

Betty- (nods) Y-Yes... (cries)

Doctor- The baby's heart rate is extremely low which was probably caused by that stress, which then led to the bleeding...but your body is starting to go into labor to get the baby out safely, so we need to move now.

Betty- W-What? (cries)

Doctor- We have to move quickly, we're going to start getting ready now. But we'll give you two a few minutes.

The doctor walked out leaving Betty and Jughead alone together. Betty was still sobbing, but Jughead was just in shock. But Betty's cries brought him back to reality.

Jughead- Betty...

Betty- I thought you left me? (cries)

Jughead- What do you mean?

Betty- Earlier, when we fought, I thought you left again. (cries)

Jughead- No, baby, I told you I was never leaving you again.

Betty- (sobs) W-Will you leave me if I lose this baby?

Jughead- Stop, we aren't losing our baby. (tears)

Betty- B-But if we do... (sobs)

Jughead- I'm never leaving you. I'm going to be with you through everything, okay? We've got this. (tears)

Jughead squeezed her hand tightly as the nurses and doctors walked back into the room.

Doctor- Alright, we need to bring you to labor and delivery ASAP, are you ready?

Betty nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks, but Jughead continued to hold her hand, reassuring her.

The doctors and nurses wheeled Betty to the labor and delivery region of the hospital, with Jughead following behind them. Once they got to the room, they had to get prepped for the birth. The nurses helped Betty get situated in the bed with her ankles in the cuffs. The doctors checked her dilation before looking at the couple.

Doctor- It's time to start pushing.

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