Part 18

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Doctor- It's time to start pushing.

Betty looked at Jughead with tears streaming down her face. He walked over to her and got down on his knees to bring his face to hers.

Jughead- I know you're scared, but I'm right here. Just take my hand and push as hard as you can.

She nodded and took his hand. Then as her contraction hit, she pushed.

Doctor- Good job, Betty, keep pushing.

She let out a cry as her contraction ended, and got to relax for a moment, but then continued to push when the next contraction hit.

Betty- F-Fuck...this hurts. (cries)

Jughead- I know, I'm sorry, but you're doing amazing.

She continued to push for the next 15 minutes, but by then she was starting to give up.

Doctor- Betty, you need to keep

Betty- No, I can't anymore. (cries)

Doctor- Mrs Jones-

Jughead- Betts, you can do this baby.

Betty- N-No, I'm tired, I can't do it. (cries)

Jughead sighed and knelt down so he was the same height as her, then he kissed her head softly.

Jughead- I know this is hard and I know it hurts, but you need to get the baby out, okay? You can do this.

She looked at him with tears rolling down her cheeks before mouthing.

Betty- *mouths* I can't.

But suddenly a loud beeping sound went off, alarming the young couple.

Betty- What is that? What's happening?

Doctor- Your baby isn't getting enough circulation, you have to push now!

Betty was shaking from crying so much, she couldn't calm herself down.

Jughead- Baby, you need to breathe.

Betty- I c-can't. (sobs)

Jughead- Hey, look at me, look at me. You are doing such an amazing job, but you need to push now, okay? You've got this. Just squeeze my hand and push.

She nodded and Jughead helped her lean forward as she began to push. She screamed as she pushed as hard as she could, then she heard the doctor.

Doctor- I see the head! Keep pushing!

Betty screamed louder and continued to push until all they heard was the cries of their baby.

Doctor- Congratulations! It's a boy!

The doctor placed the baby on Betty's chest as the nurses walked over and cleaned him off. Then as the doctors and nurses left the room, Betty looked at her husband, and he was standing looking at them in shock.

Betty- J-Juggie, we have a baby boy. (sniffles)

She had a smile on her face with tears in her eyes, but when Jughead didn't respond, she tilted her head.

Betty- Jug...what-

Instantly he cut her off with a kiss. She kissed him back while their baby laid on her chest, but when he pulled away she was extremely confused.

Betty- Jug, what's going on?

Jughead- (smiles) I remember. I remember everything.

Betty- What? Really?!

Jughead smiled and nodded as he kissed her again.

Jughead- Fuck, I love you so much, baby. I'm sorry I was acting like such an asshole before.

Betty- You really do remember everything. (tears)

Jughead nodded and rubbed his hand along her cheek softly. But she quickly looked down at her baby on her chest, needing to remove her gaze from his.

Jughead- Betty, what's wrong?

She sniffled as she rubbed her baby's back, but Jughead continued to pry.

Jughead- Betts, talk to me.

Betty- I'm scared we're never going to be the same anymore. (sniffles)

Jughead- What do you mean?

Betty- You're not going to love me like you used to. (tears)

Jughead- Betts, we don't have to be the same as we were before the accident. I remember what we were now, things might still change, and that's okay. But I love you so much, and I always will. Don't ever think that I don't love you, baby.

Betty nodded, but the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. He knew she wasn't going to believe him right now, so he didn't push her...but as the next few days went by everything was slowly going back to normal. Betty and Jughead were home with their new baby boy, Amelia was in school, Jughead was writing, etc.

So on Friday, while Betty was laying in bed breastfeeding her son, Jughead was in the kitchen finishing Betty's surprise. Once everything was ready, Jughead called her downstairs. It took her a few minutes because she was finishing breastfeeding Oliver. As soon as she had finished, and he had fallen back to sleep in her arms, she walked downstairs. But as soon as she walked down, and had reached the kitchen, she gasped.


Betty had walked down the stairs of their quiet house after a long day of unpacking some things when she suddenly smelt her favorite meal: French Onion Soup and Sautéed Mushrooms. She walked into the kitchen and looked over to the stove, thinking she would see her boyfriend, but he wasn't there. Suddenly she heard him clear his throat.

She turned around, looking towards the table when she noticed the beautiful rose petals placed all over the kitchen. Then she looked at her boyfriend.

Betty- Jug, what's all this for?
Jughead- It's for you, of course, I wanted to do something nice for you.
Betty- (tears) You didn't have to do all this.
Jughead- Yes I did, now come, sit down and enjoy your meal.

She smiled and took his hand as he led her over to the table. She sat down with both of her hands resting on her pregnant stomach, allowing her boyfriend to serve her favorite meal. Then for a while the two of them relaxed and ate and talked...until she realized that something felt different. Because Jughead was acting different.

Betty- Jughead...what's going on
Jughead- N-Nothing's going on, why do you think something is going on?
Betty- I don't know, all of this just seems weird.

Jughead sighed and stood up while rubbing his hands along his face before looking back down at his girlfriend who was sitting at the table with her hands resting on her stomach.

Jughead- I'm doing a terrible job here, aren't I?
Betty- What do you mean?

He chuckled softly before walking over to her and kneeling down onto one knee.

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