Part two

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(Disclaimer) this chapter is mostly just Enid x Ajax! But I love them so. ^v^
But please read this! It still has to do with the story! Especially the first part.

Enid's pov:

Wednesday just admitted that she misses Tyler. Well that's not really how she worded it but anyway. I'm feeling... so many emotions right now. I feel proud that she just talked about her feelings, and to me! I also feel bad that I left her with an open-ended answer. But I'm scared too, what would others say if their best friend misses their psycho ex-boyfriend. Oh right! That never happens! Ugh!!! What should I do!? I need to comfort her. But how? I can't with physical touch, she hates that... With words? I don't know!

While I was too immersed in my own thoughts I accidentally bumped into someone on my way to class after dropping off Wednesday.

"Ah- OMG! I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT LOOKING I-" ''Enid chill! What's up with you?" "H-huh?" I looked up only to come face-to-face with my own boyfriend. My cheeks flushing even more red than before, which was impressive due to them already being crimson from embarrassment. "Oh! Ajax! I didn't see you there!" I stumbled out some words, at least they sort of made sense. "I can see that." He chuckled, ahhh he's so goddamn hot!!! "So uh, since we're in the same class, wanna walk with me for the rest of the way? He says, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Uh- sure!"

Ajax probably thought there was something more off about me because he ended up pulling me into a vacant room to get some more privacy even though the hallways were almost empty, minus the few late students. I was a bit stunned to say anything so he took this opportunity and grabbed one of my hands and held my rosy cheeks with the other. He rubbed his thum over my cheek bone. Before I could say a word he cut me off. "Look I regret what I said, but now I know that this is an opportunity to learn from and it will only make us stronger. I don't want to lose you to a stupid book club!" Oh he thinks I'm still upset about that? "I don't even like reading!" I giggled at that. "I know your sorry and I'm sorry for acting out on you, I don't want you not in my life. My heart would feel even more stoned with out you." He shakes his head sighing in relief while chuckling to himself about the joke I made. "I love you." We said at the same time.

"Hey wanna skip class? I found the perfect spot for a picnic." He presented. "Yeah, I mean, who even needs history. The past is the past, let's go make history." I said in a suductive yet playful voice skipping off leaving my boyfriend red and stunned. "W-wait up!" He yelped while I giggled going up to my dorm to get some things. We got changed and sneaked out to Ajax's car.


Ajax ended up taking me to a little medo in the middle of nowhere where the sun is warm and people don't know of. I had to hand it to him, this was the most peaceful I've been in years. Just sitting on a cozy picnic blanket surrounded by snow drops and lavender with your boyfriend while knitting and munching on yummy snacks. I felt that this is heaven on earth.

"So what's up?" Ajax said breaking our comfortable silence, to immersed in concentration on knitting each other tuques. "Hm?" I hummed. "What are you talking about?" I said while looking at him questionably. He stayed silent for a moment. "What you said earlier, what's bothering you?" My heart stopped for a brief moment. I can't just tell anyone Wednesday's secret, that's hers! I panicked looking anywhere but his eyes, contemplating on what to tell him. "I- ummm..." I looked down to my lap. "You don't have to tell me, but if you want someone to listen or just be there I can do that. As a boyfriend or friend, I won't judge you." I gazed into his eyes lovingly, how is he so wise beyond his years yet the same age as me? "That was a bit corny." I murmured leaning in to kiss him. "Only for you babe, only for you." He muttered against my lips. This was something new, sure we've made out before but this was precious. It was delicate yet loving, soft yet firm, and private. Here in the middle of nowhere I felt actually safe and I didn't feel like someone was gonna interrupt us or watch us. "Hm" Ajax hummed in the kiss sending vibrations to me that tickled my spine. We pulled apart for air and all I could say was, "Wow." He chuckled, "yeah, wow." I giggled.

"Ssssss." One of Ajax's snakes came out from under his torque.

"Well I guess it's not as private as we thought." I giggled. "Get back in there." He shooed it away. I was still giggling when I realized something. "Wait!!! You don't have names for them!" He looked at me funny. "Well yeah, I don't have the time to name 150 snakes." He chuckled. "Oh but you have the time to count them?" I deadpanned. He shook his head. "Do you want to name them?" He asked. "Wait really!? OMG we can name all your snakes!" He laughed light-heartedly. "Yeah, why don't we do that for the rest of the date. That will be memorable." He said, smiling at me. His smile is mesmerizing. He can make me still like stone by just looking at me, getting me lost in my imagination. And trust me, I've gotten in trouble from it before.

After hours of names and small talk we ran out of snacks. "We're out of snacks!" I wined, pouting. "Really, that's what you notice?" Ajax flatly asked. "Hm? What do you mean???" I questioned. "Enid, the sun is starting to set and the breeze has started to pick up, you're literally shivering!" He gestured to my sugar bump covered arms. "Oh, I didn't realize. It's probably because I was having too much fun!" I said, leaning on his shoulder, giggling. He chuckled while shaking his head. "Here, have my coat." He said, giving me his letterman jacket. "Oh no I couldn't, you'll freeze!" "I have a long sleeve and pants on, you have a crop top and a skirt on." He deadpanned, extending his arm to give the jacket to me. Looking down, pink cheeks, I slipped on the coat. "Thanks." I mumbled. "We should start heading back, it's..." he trailed off, leaning on his arm to grab his phone from his back pant pocket. "5:00!" He glanced up to me, put his phone away then started packing up.

We ran to his vehicle jumping in and he started the engine. "Let's hope no one's serthing for us." I said, glancing at him while he started to drive off.


We arrived at the school at 6:15. The original plan was to go for a few hours then come back around 2:35 so all the staff would still be teaching and we could sneak back to our dorms unnoticed. But unfortunately we lost track of time, so here we are, technically CRAWLING past the staff rooms. Unluckily for us we heard someone open a door. Fast as light we stood up straight and didn't look back, keeping our pace walking. LUCKILY for us the person went the other way not bothering to look at us. Quickly he walked me to my dorm. "Thanks for the lovely time, I had so much fun" I said, kissing him on the cheek. "No thank you for coming." He said moving my face with his hands to kiss me on the lips. After we pulled apart I started to reach for the door knob but then I realized something. "Oh I forgot to give this back to you!" I said starting to take off his jacket. He placed his hand on my shoulder making me paus what I was doing. Looking up at him he started talking. "Keep it. It looks good on you, plus I have many of that style jackets." He kissed my forehead and bid me good night leaving to his dorm.

Moral of this part!;

Sometimes we just need to be with someone you love or do something that makes you happy. We're human, we need to take breaks and stop pilling things on our shoulders. There's only so much one can handle.

Hope you guys like my first story!!! Comment any ideas or suggestions you might have for this story!!! <3

I... miss you? (Wedler = Tyler x Wednesday/Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now