Part four

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Tyler's pov:

It's been three months and six days since the incident, I feel so guilty for what I did. I'm counting the hours since I last saw Wednesday, I miss her too goddamn much for anyone, even a monster to handle! And I am one.

I love her. That's the truth, I want to fix myself even if I never see her again. My therapist has been helping me a lot actually, she's also a hyde. Her name's Eleasa, doc. Eleasa. She's the highest of the highest on knowledge of therapy and how to handle situations like I'm in. That might intimidate some but she's like my new mom.

I've learned how to not let people take advantage of me and signs that they might be trying to do that. I can deal with myself better and accept who I am, even if I'm a monster that almost kill the one I love most. I talk a lot about Wednesday to Eleasa actually, she understands how I feel and helps me cope with those feelings. She even believes that we can work out again! Of course I don't believe that but somehow in this tragic moment of time and pain, without even knowing her, she believes that. I don't know how to feel about that though.

I'm actually leaving to go back home in a week and a day from now. Why? Because she somehow convinced my dad that I was really ready.

So here I am. In a therapy session with Eleasa, I'm about to talk about how nervous I am for when I go back.

I sit down on the sofa across from her. She picks up her pen and flips to a fresh piece of loose leaf paper. "Hello Tyler, how are you today?" She starts with. "To be totally honest, since I found out yesterday that I'm going back soon, I'm stressed." She gives me a smile of understanding. "Well at least we know what to talk about today, here I thought you were going to talk about your undying love for Wednesday!" I chuckled at her joke. "Well she's still part of it". "Of course, now let's get onto the real topic. What are you nervous about?"

I sigh heavily. "I know that I'm a "better person" but even with how hard we try, I'm still going to believe that the Hyde is me." I look down. "I understand where you're coming from. But you should know that the Hyde is A PART of you, not you. No matter what people say you can't change what you are, but you can change who you are." She says softly looking me in the eyes. "I know but I just can't believe it." "It will take time honey, if it makes you feel any better I'm going with you!" She smiled bright.


I look at her completely stunned. My eyes were probably bigger than my Hyde's eyes. "Oh don't worry, I'm not staying with you. I'm actually moving there permanently for all we know!" I tilt my head, giving her a questioning look. "Well they do need a new therapist and this institution already has too many. They're not that many Hydes you know. You're pretty special." She winks at me playfully. She's also a Hyde. Of course she can control it, she's a professional. "Plus I want to move out and there's a need for a therapist in the small town you're from!" "Oh you don't have to remind me of the last therapist." I say sarcastically. "Well it's an improvement that we can talk about some people now, without you having a breakdown of course."

We talk for 45 more minutes before my session ends.

"It was a nice talk today, I hope you are feeling better and less anxious." "Yeah thanks." I say standing up. "You can talk to me anytime you want honey, I'm always willing to listen." She says, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, Eleasa. I can help you with packing and moving if you'd like." I offer. "You're too kind, but I'm good for now. Maybe when it gets closer to moving day I'll have you help me with the furniture. You know with your big muscles and all." We laugh before parting our ways.


I've started packing. Eleasa's words helped but can't fully soothe my anxiety. So here I am now, lying face down on my bed. Part of me wants the days to go by faster so I can get this over and done with. But the other part of me wants this to never happen. I guess it's better if I go, otherwise I'll be stuck fantasizing about Wednesday. Never having the closer of knowing whether or not I'll have her.


It's been a day since my last session and I'm supposed to have another one the day after tomorrow. So I found it buzzar that I was called to doctor Eleasa Garmin's office today.

Stepping inside her office I find my therapist talking with...


"Dad?!" I almost yell. He turns around to face me. "Hey Tyler, so quick change of plans. We need to leave tomorrow. There's supposed to be wicked wind next week so the helicopters won't be operating." He says stepping closer to me. "O-ok, hello to you too." I say awkwardly. He pulls me closer and imbrasses me in a bear hug. "I missed you son." My eyes got teary almost instantly. I was really nervous on meeting my dad so this helps lift some weight off my shoulders. After a while we pull away and start to pack the important things, the rest will be taken by truck later while we go on the helicopter.


I wake up to my dad shaking me. I'm stunned for a second but all of yesterday slowly comes back to me. I glance at the clock to see it's 2:15.


"Dad, what the hell are you waking me up at 2:15 for!?" I whisper/yell. From what I can see in the dark he rolls his eyes. "Come on kid, we have to leave at 2:30 so we arrive home at 4:30." "Why the hell do we have to be home by 4:30?" I questioned him, completely confused. "It's a small town so a helicopter coming doesn't really happen often. It will attract lots of attention. This way most people will be sleeping or too tired to really pay attention." He explains.

We can't go by land vehicle because it will take too long and there's a higher probability of being seen, not because I need chains or anything to restrain me but because of how long it takes. My dad is not really a patient man.


We get ready and board the helicopter. Eleasa's been ready since 2:00, talk about crazy.

We arrive at exactly 4:30, taking my headphones off, I step outside, back home for the first time in almost a half a year. Eleasa goes to her new home while my dad and I go back to our old home. It actually feels really good to be home. I flop on my bed, once my head hits the pillow I'm fast asleep. All I care about right now is getting some more sleep before the big day.

Moral of this part!; No matter what people say you can't change what you are, but you can change who you are. You were born unique, no one else will be the same to you. You can't change your skin or height. That's part of what makes you you. But what you can change is how you present yourself.

Hope you guys like my first story!!! Comment any ideas or suggestions you might have for this story!!! <3

I... miss you? (Wedler = Tyler x Wednesday/Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now