Part seven

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Quick shoutout to; @Gato_Cristiana for giving me the idea of jealous Wednesday!

(Though I don't understand something. If I'm correct gato means cat right? Then why do you have a profile picture of a dog?) jkjk I just found it funny.

And also a quick shoutout to; @Kotlcalicorn thank you for your comment! It was small yet delightful!

Wednesday's pov:

I don't know why I agreed to talk with a serial killer but here I am. I have to say, seeing him again makes my heart ache. In a bad, yet good way. I extremely despise this feeling, I shouldn't be feeling this way for anyone, especially a cold hearted manipulative killer.

Tyler had to be pretty dumb if he thought I wouldn't notice his little fancy writing right away. But I tried to show that I didn't see that little detail, I didn't want him to know I was checking out his writing. It made my heart hurt more and my stomach do summersaults. I hate the effect this boy still has on me.

He said that it's only fair that I get to ask him the questions. Which was true. But I had so many thoughts going through my head that it started to hurt. Seeing the time I decided that It'd be better if we talked when we both had time. I hesitantly told him that I'd meet him after his shift. I stood up and swiftly left. I didn't say a word, I just left with my coffee. I needed a breather to think about what just happened and what I was going to say.


I was thinking about what just happened when my phone vibrated, I got a text Enid.


Wednesday: What do you mean?


I looked at the time on my phone, oh shit, she's right. I was too immersed in my thoughts that I lost track of the time. Quickly making my way back to the school I realized something.

I still had the cup, the now empty cup that Tyler wrote my name on. If anyone sees this they'll think that I skipped class. Maybe they'll think I skipped for a date! Shit.

I glanced around the area so fast that you'd think I got whiplash. There was no garbage, how was I supposed to dispose of this cup without being seen!? It took me a minute to find a garage bin but I did it. One takeaway was that I was even more late for class. Though it was better than someone finding a cup that wrote Wednesday on it.

Almost getting in trouble, I managed to only get a warning. That was probably one of the only decent things that happened to me today. And that still wasn't good.

The rest of the day dragged on, it felt so long. I kept spacing out, thinking about Tyler and what I'm going to say to him. My last block was a free block, having this I could get ready and leave to see him sooner. This means he can't escape me.

Damn. I sound like a mad man. What I mean is that he can't procrastinate, whatever he says he won't really have time to think about. This means he will be more honest.

Finally surviving the rest of the bland day I got ready and headed off.

I walked back to Weathervane, I promised I was going to meet him back there and I'm no coward. Even though I found it hard to control my emotions at this time.

I walked into the café knowing that he didn't get off his shift for 15 more minutes. I want to fully believe that it's because of the fact that I need answers and I don't want him to dilly-dally/procrastinate but I know it's because I want to see him.

When I sat down I obviously looked at Tyler. When I saw him I saw that some random girl was talking to him. It agitated me that she was so close to him. He hasn't seen me yet but I'll make it known that I'm here.

I know I shouldn't feel this way and I wasn't going to admit it but I'm jealous. I just got him back- HE just got back and some random chick has been closer to him than I have today. He probably just met her!

My stupid self walked straight up to them, this boy makes me do stupid things. Tyler JUST noticed that I was here. He stopped talking when he noticed I was here. "Oh! H-hey Wednesday!" He said, surprised. "Hm?" This bitch said looking at Tyler then turning around to look at me. Her stupid face flattened at the sight of me.

Go cry about it bitch, he's not into you. Get the damn hint.

"I'm going to wait for you here if you don't mind." I said, empathizing the word 'you'. I only made eye contact with him. I wanted it to sound like it was a date we were going to go on.

R.I.P my dignity and plan.

"Oh! I don't mind at all!" He said, smiling brightly. Too brightly. "Want me to get you anything?" He offered, completely forgetting about the girl he was previously talking to. I slightly grinned. "No, I'm good, thanks. see you soon." I said, waiting a bit too long then intended. But who could blame me, you could get lost in those eyes. And I needed that chick to know that the boy was mine.

I was sitting at my usual booth, watching Tyler work. The girl had left earlier, she wrote her number and stuck it in the tip jar while he was busy, then she left. I obviously took it out and ripped it, still with Tyler busy.

Damn, people can have a whole silent war and he won't know if he's busy.

What a blind yet dedicated boy he is. I don't know if that's a good or bad trait. It's probably a bit of both.

Tyler's shift finally ended and he started to close up the store after he changed. He also called his dad to tell him that he'll be home later.

I'm going to talk to this boy on taking the morning AND evening shift, it's not healthy. Not like I care or anything.

I'm too tired to write a moral. I don't really think this part has one, but if it does feel free to leave one in the comments!

Hope you guys like my first story!!! Comment any ideas or suggestions you might have for this story!!! <3

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