Part eight

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Me to you: 🛐🛐🛐

Tyler's pov:

I was surprised when Wednesday had her little... outburst? I didn't really know how to react, partly because I didn't know what or why Wednesday did what she did but also because I'm a bit... confused... Like, how the hell are you supposed to react when your dark mysterious ex who happened to find out that you're the monster and save everyone including me, has an unexpected outburst? I don't know what to think or believe, is life a lie? I'm starting to doubt my sanity.

The girl that was talking to me I believe left. I didn't really look up. To be honest I didn't want to look up, what am I going to say to Wednesday after my shift? This little situation that just happened is adding onto my stress for later and giving me a headache.

Finally closing time rolled around. I'm really tired, I shouldn't have taken two shifts, especially on my first day back.

I called my dad to let him know that I'll be staying at the café a bit later. I told him I just had to do some things to get caught up. It's not a total lie, I do need to get caught up, just not with work. With Wednesday.

I know Wednesday said she didn't need anything but she's been waiting here for a while so I quickly wiped her up a quad and got myself a coffee before heading towards her.

"Hey... I know you said that you don't want anything but it's pretty late... I don't know, just please, have it." I said, sitting across from her, sliding the quad I made towards her. She looked up at me and did a slight nod.

"So do you have any questions?" I said knowing the answer but not knowing her questions.

"Let's see. Where should I start off?" She paused for a moment, sipping on her drink.

Wednesday's pov:

I didn't know where to start to be honest. What should I say?

What feelings were true and which were fake?

Did you try to stop even after you finally found out what you were doing?

Ugh, just say something damnit! I'm an Addams for crying out loud. WEDNESDAY ADDAMS! Just say the first thing that comes to mind, how bad could it possibly be? I have a filter- unlike Enid...

"How come you're back so soon." I questioned but it turned out to sound like a statement. He looked hurt by this. "Well apparently my therapist thinks I'm ready, plus she's moving here. It's not because of me! Jericho still hasn't gotten a new therapist and she wanted to move. It's a total coincidence, though I'm still going to be going to her." Tyler answered, looking me softly in the eyes. There's something about him that makes me believe that he's telling the truth. Although I thought the same thing last time but unfortunately it turned out to be a lie. Though hearing him openly talk about his therapist and private life gives me a sense of comfort.

"Okay and do you still have the Hyde? If so, can you control it?" I questioned, competing his loving gaze with my cold dead stare. "Yes and yes." He said while clasping his fingers together on the table. 'Hm' was my only response to that. I had to admit, I'm a little proud that he learned to control it so fast.

I'm a little bored of asking the questions so I decided to let him.

"I'm bored, you talk." I deadpanned. "Ok?... Do you want me to explain my side of the story then you can ask questions?" "Sure."

"Well you already know the first part but I'm just gonna sumeriz it anyway. Laurel Gates manipulated and abused me into the Hyde, I slowly started to understand what I was doing after a couple of my victims. I got sent to rehab and had to undergo lots of experiments and tests, plus nonstop therapy. Now, as I just answered, I can control my Hyde, even when I have Hyded out." Tyler answered as he took a deep breath and sighed. "Does that help at all?"

It took me a split second to process what he just justified.

"What type of experiments and tests?" I questioned, a little too much worry laced in my voice. It sucked because I know he noticed it by the way he perked up. "Oh nothing to worry about, just some blood samples and a few reaction labs here and there." Did this boy really think I wouldn't worry, even if it's just that? I might not have many feelings but I'm not that low. Shaking my head I just sighed, what was I supposed to say to that? Having intense therapy should make you a bit smarter in the least.

-Mental wise.

I guess I don't have much to say. Having that being said, it's because I need so serious time to dread- THINK about this.

Still with heavy shoulders and a new train of thoughts to dawdle on, I upped and left.

You could say that's a low move because I still have more questions to interrogate him with. But trust me, I'll be back.

Moral of this part!; If you need to make up with someone or just need to sort things out, show them that you're not lying. Show that you're truly honest. You might have to go the extra mile but if you think that person's worth it, they're probably worth it. But prove to them that you're trying to change, even if it doesn't work in the end. At least you tried. <3

Hope you guys like my first story!!! Comment any ideas or suggestions you might have for this story!!! <3

I... miss you? (Wedler = Tyler x Wednesday/Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now