Part Eleven

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Thank you all sooo much for your support and patience! I really think I'll be able to finish this book because of you guys!

Love you all! <3

Wensday's pov:

What the actual fuck was that? I looked over to Tyler just to see him looking utterly stunned. Well at lest I'm not the only one.

But a couple things lingered in my mind, his ideal date he described was exactly like when he brought me to Crackstone's cryptic. We went to a place that I would actually enjoy but did something that he liked.

He better not have been trying to be passive aggressive.

After about ten seconds the crowd that spectated the scene eventually went back to discussing their topics from before.

It was painfully obvious to see that Tyler still had feelings for me. Though I had to give it to him, I was pleasantly surprised that I was still the one he had eyes for. Not that I'd reciprocate them because that last time I did it left me more dead inside than I've ever been. (Not the good kind of dead, the kind your ears get from listening to pop music so much that your stomach starts to hurt- kind of dead). I loathe those feelings now more than I ever have. That's one thing I can promise myself, I'll never fall into the deep pit of love and despair again.

After the girl left Tyler cautiously approached me with a quad in hand.

"Sorry about the holdup- I don't really know what just happened but uh... My first shift is over now and I don't have a second shift today so if you want we can get back to talking?" I thought about it for a moment. I do still have the rest of lunch and my block after that off so I guess that would work. Plus it would be better than just sitting around asking a question every so often rather than getting his full attention. "Sure, let's do that." "Do you want to go somewhere else or?-" "Somewhere else." I interrupted. "Ok let me just get my regular clothes on." He said spinning around and disappearing into the staff change room.

He bid his goodbyes to his co-worker and left with me, opening the door for me on the way out. How chivalrous, I thought trying hard not to roll my eyes but deep down I knew that I actually liked the action. At least he's a gentleman.

"So where do you want to go?" Tyler questioned, looking softly into my eyes. "Well we're certainly not going to Nevermore." I deadpanned, thinking. "If you want we could go to my place, my dad's not home- I-if you want!" He stuttered at the end realizing that she's probably not comfortable with that.




I started walking to his car leaving a slightly stunned Tyler standing alone. Thankfully he caught up in no time- unlike Enid.

We reached his house in 3 minutes via car. Walking into the house there was nothing out of the ordinary, just some extra books on Hydes.

We sat at the dining room table, dim lights adding to the theme of an interrogation. Needless to say Tyler's curls looked good in this lighting- I. Have. Questions!

I snapped myself back to reality, Tyler tilted his head to the side, confused on what I was thinking. ...Cute. "Are you okay? Do you need some water?" He worriedly asked, straightening his posture. "Is it poisoned?" I shot back. "No." He dragged on the word, turning his head slightly to the side then back to its original position. "Then I'm good."

"So what more do you want to know?" He asked, looking at me through his dark eyelashes. "Does anyone know you're here?" Tyler lifted his head up, gazing at the dining room light, thinking. "As far as I'm aware only you from Nevermore who knows I'm here. But I could be wrong, maybe others have seen me but we're just too afraid." He shrugged looking down, you could tell he's ashamed of himself. "Where are you going to go to school?" inquired, rather calmly might I add. Would he be going to Nevermore? Part of me wants him to, I like to think it's to get more information on him, I need to know everything and anything.

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, I could be homeschooled but if that happens it certainly won't be my dad teaching me." He chuckled but you could tell how nervous he was, this boy is terrible at keeping his emotions to himself. Does he want me to pity him or is that how he genuinely feels. It's probably the latter because even if he's more of a monster then the monsters at Nevermore he'd never do that. And she knew that for certain, it was one of the only things with him she could swear on.

"And when do you start attending again?" "Exactly a week from now." What? "On a Tuesday?" "On a Tuesday." He grinned. That's bazar. "Why not on a Monday?" "I don't know." He shrugged, relaxing at the topic of a normal conversation.

"So your just gonna work yourself to an early grave before the torture even starts?" I deadpanned. "Technically yes, I want to save up a bit of money for some personal things in the future. Plus I really like the shop and the owners, they treat me like I'm human." Hm. Does his dad and others not treat him well? "What about your dad?" I asked to which Tyler clarified. "Does he treat me human?" "Hm." "Well yes... but it's different, y' know?"

I looked to the edge of the table. I guess that makes sense. "I understand that." I answered, it didn't sound arrogant but rather understanding.

"Anything else you want to ask me or can I ask you something?" He questioned, scratching the back of his neck.

I straightened my posture to this. He wants to ask me something? How intriguing.

"What would you like to know? I can't say I'll guarantee an answer but enlighten me."

He took a minute to contemplate his next words.

"... how have you been?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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