Part ten

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Ajax's pov:

I don't know what the fuck I just got myself into but YOLO I guess...

Enid was now excited to see that I agreed. I mean, not everyone would be so accepting of her proposal to get a monster and a goth girl back together. but I can tell Enid's not just doing this for herself, she's doing it for her best friend.

Plus, I know Tyler's a good guy. He means well and I know his feelings are genuine. (Even though I only met him a couple times).

Enid started to explain her plan to me. "So we need to do this in a way where we're not." She told me. "Huh?"

That was the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life. Would I say that to her? No. I value my love life and life.

"What do you mean? Help but not?" She sighed. "What I mean is that we have to do little things so that whatever happens they have to make the decision. We can give them little pushes but it's up to them to make the first and final move."

Oh. Well that makes sense.

"Oh ok, so what are your mini mastermind plans?" I questioned. She smiled when I said that. "All we have to do for today is observe them, then we can start." She answered, cautiously walking out of the alley way and towards the café. "Sounds good to me." I shrugged following close behind her.

We didn't exactly go into the coffee shop but more or less paid a random middle schooler to. Enid said that if this random kid, (whom we found out her name was Emma) to go and ask the curly haired barista what his type was close to the gothic girls booth. Enid made sure to remind her several times to be loud enough so Wednesday could hear.

While this confident young teenager walked right into the cafe Enid and I made sure to subtlety sneak in, sitting in the booth closest to the door.

God, this is actually fun!

I'm never doing this again.

Emma was acting really confident which drew lots of attention to her quickly. After she walked right into the café she stopped exactly in front of Wednesday's booth.

Enid held her fists up to her chest in a victorious manner, her plan was going exactly the way she wanted it to.

Tyler walked over to the girl confused, Wednesday was obviously giving her a death glare.

"Need anything?" Tyler questioned. "Answer me truthfully." Emma said to this total stranger. (Well, to her at least). "Describe your type." She stated, not breaking eye contact with him. "...I'm sorry what?" "You heard me." She answered. "I'm not interested in you, don't worry. It's for a school project, it's on what people are attracted to. Plus, you seem like the type of guy who's easy to guess his personality." She said, pulling out a mini note pad and pen from her pocket.

Damn, this girl's good!

"Now with that being said, what is your type? And do you prefer opposite people to match up with you? And if so what type of opposite?"

"I, u-uh." Tyler nervously chuckled, glancing at Wednesday. "I guess I like opposite personalities??? But you have to have something in common and find a way for both of you to have fun. Like if said girl likes a certain place then take her there but do something you like with her. Combined the two I guess, that's what I like at least..."

Enid and I fist bumped.

"Ok, but before I go, where's the bathroom?" Emma said to buy me and Enid time to get out of there without being seen by the two.

"S-sure..?" Tyler responded, stumbling over his words. Enid chuckled a bit while we sprinted for the door.

"Just so you know, for the record I'm never doing this again." I breathlessly started, heaving from how quickly we ran out of the café and down the road. "I figured." She shrugged, satisfaction present on her face while looking back at the two hopeless teenagers. But then she soon turned back to me.

"But don't swear on it." She winked.

Emma soon walked out of the café with her hand out. Palm facing towards the sky, motioning for her reward.

Straight to the point I guess.

Enid slapped a 20 dollar bill into the girl's hand before squeezing it and saying. "You 're were so good back there! You should be an actress!" "Thanks! Sorry but I gotta bounce!" She said, skipping to her school. "Until we meet again!" She yelled back. "Until we meet again!" Enid yelled back.

Lol, tbh this moral's probably gonna dumb. This parts moral (I guess); love is blind, we have to learn how to trust it and when to draw the line. You can get yourself into serious trouble if you always just follow your heart. Learn to balance following your heart AND gut. Also be open to other people's opinions!

I... miss you? (Wedler = Tyler x Wednesday/Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now