How Jim, Chris and Paul react when you've had a rough day

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-You ring the doorbell at his house. Jim opens the door for you
- As soon as you see him you can't help yourself and start sobbing
- "Hey hey. Everything is fine." He says and takes you gently in his arms. He moves back slightly while you are still in his arms and closes the door behind you
- after a short time you separate from each other and walk into the living room
- "What happened?" Jim asks you. "I can't do this anymore." You say and start sobbing again "Come here. Had a hard week?" He asks you as you snuggle up to him
-You just nod in response. Jim puts his hand on the back of your head and pulls you closer to his chest
- After you have calmed down, you take your head off Jim's chest and look up at him. "May I stay here with you today?"
- "Of course you can." "Thank you. Can we watch a movie? To distract me?" "Sure. Your favorite movie?"
- You nod. Jim breaks away from you to start the movie. But then he joins you again
- immediately you snuggle up to him
- together you fall asleep arm in arm


- You are on tour and responsible for the merchandise stand
- Shortly before the show starts all the merch is sold out. Since there is still a short time before the concert starts, you decide to go to your boyfriend Chris
- You open the door to the dressing room where Slipknot is standing. "Oh hey Y/N. How's it been so far?" Corey asks you because he spots you first
- "Pretty good. All sold out." Chris turns to you as you walk up to him. "Are you really okay?"
- "Well, you know how exhausting it all is." You smile at him.
- "What can I do to make you feel better?" He asks you
- "A kiss would make me feel much better." "Oh, would it?" You nod
- "Then I'll see what I can do for you." He leans down to you and wraps his hands around your face. Your lips touch
- "I feel much better now." "I hope so. I tried very hard too."
- "I felt it." You take his mask from the table. "You have to put it on now. The concert is about to start."
- "I'll cheer you up even more later." He winks at you, takes the mask from your hand and leaves the dressing room
- you stand in the dressing room smiling


- "I'm going out for a walk. I need a clear head." You yell through your shared apartment
- "Wait." You hear Paul coming towards you quickly. "I'm coming with you."
- You are already dressed in the hallway. "So if you don't mind." He adds to his sentence
- "No, of course not." You smile at him
- "I just have to put on my shoes." He says and already starts to put them on
- "Ready?" You ask him. He nods and takes your hand in his
- Together you walk through the streets. Neither of you says anything. You just enjoy the time together
- when you arrive back at your apartment you thank your boyfriend
- "Thank you. I had to get out for some fresh air. The last few days were exhausting." You give Paul a kiss and wrap your arms around his torso.
- "I love you." You whisper. Paul presses a kiss to the top of your head and whispers back: "I love you too, Y/N."

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