You are perfect (Joey)

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Summary: you're insecure about your height

"Joey you have to go alone." Joey stands in his suit, ready to leave the house.

"No honey. Why? You look fantastic." He looks at you endearingly and takes your hand, spinning you once in a circle. "Look at your little dress. It looks stunning."

You shake your head.

"Why?" You can clearly hear the desperation in his voice. "Why won't you come with me?"

"Don't you think I'm too tall for a woman?" You ask him in no uncertain terms.

"No. There are women like you who are taller. You are perfect the way you are. Look at me. I'm not exactly the tallest person either." He pushes a strand of hair behind his ear and screws up his face. "Most men are taller than me."

"You're perfect the way you are, too."

You look into each other's eyes. "We make a fun couple." You say with a smile. "You short and me tall."

"Yes we do. We both have our problems." He pulls you close, his eyes pleading. "But when we're together, they don't matter."

He stretches and kisses your lips. "Will you come with me to the release now?"

"When you look at me like that I can't say no." You lean down to him and cup his face.

He wraps his arms around your waist. "I'm glad you did. Because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gone."

You laugh. "No matter what anyone else would have said?"

He grins. "Let them kick me out." (Alluding to Craig. I really wonder why they kicked him out).

"Honey, don't make this about me okay? What else would you do?"

He looks at you in horror. "I'm in another band too. In case you didn't know."

"Oh right. Speaking of. Tell them I said hi."

"Will do. But can we go now? Otherwise, I might lose my job after all."

"All right. Let's go." You grab his hand. "But one last thing."

You lean in and kiss Joey gently.

"So now we really can." You pull him behind you to the car. Joey, completely caught off guard by your actions, walks after you.

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