the goat (Paul)

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Summary: you would rather spend the break with a goat than your boyfriend

Note: Hope you like it rebd0main3

"WE ALL GOT LEFT BEHIND, WE LET IT ALL SLIP AWAY!" Corey yells his lyrics into the camera.

"Thank you guys. Take a short break first. We'll be back in half an hour." Calls the director.

The guys put down their instruments and take off their masks.

Shawn turns to his friends and says: "So far, it's going pretty well." The boys separate and walk off in different directions, some in pairs, some alone.

You get up from the black chair that says GRAY in white. There are goats in this music video. You've been watching them all along. One goat in particular has taken your fancy. It looks like all the others, brown, but it kept running up to you and sniffing your leg.

You are so fixated on finally being able to pet this goat that you just walk straight past your boyfriend and leave him behind, confused.

"Um Y/N, where are you going?" Paul asks you with an amused tone. You turn around just before you reach the goat. "Petting the goat."

"Wouldn't you rather spend some time with your boyfriend who is on break now? Or would you rather spend time with the goat that's always on break?"

You contort your face. "The goat is not always off." You feel something wet on your leg. "Besides, I always have you. I only see Joe today."

You stroke the goat over her brown head. His head jumps up and he tries to lick your hand. In the hope that he finds something to eat there.

"Y/N...did you name the goat?" Paul puts his head slightly to the side and looks at you questioningly.

"Yes, Joe is such a dear," you bend down and stroke Joe's head once again, especially affectionately. "and sweet goat. Can we take him with us?"

You make a pout and puppy dog eyes. "Please?"

Paul looks at you. He is about to say "No" when you interrupt him. "Then I can spend the break with you, too." You bat your eyelashes and walk towards him. You stop in front of him and look at him questioningly.

Paul is wondering if he should pick up a goat so he can spend the break with you now or if he should join his bandmates.

You stand on your tiptoes and stretch as far as you can so you can wrap your arms around his neck. Paul puts his hands on your hips. Your mouth is inches from his.

"Babe, break's almost over and I want to spend a little more time with Joe. You can still think about it." You say, leaning in toward him. Paul makes a kissy mouth.

He waits for your lips to meet his, but instead feels them on the tip of his nose.

You release your arms from his neck and turn around. "Honey!" Paul whines.

"Yes?" You turn to him.

Paul is standing there all lost in his red Slipknot jumpsuit. His mask in his hand.

"I know you'd rather spend time with your new friend." He gives the goat an arrogant look. "But you can't just tease me like that. Do I get a kiss after all?"

You smile and approach him. "For you babe, I'll do it with pleasure. If you ask me so nicely."

This time Paul puts his arms around you and pulls you close to him. He bends down to you. He whispers: "Thank you, doll." And kisses you passionately. As he does so, you swing back and forth slightly. Your hands rest on his chest.

You slowly detach yourself from him and lower your head. Your hands move up his chest and to his collar. You take your time as you straighten it and don't look him in the eye.

"Paul, I know you're stalling for time so you can be with me longer, but I want to spend some time with Joe now. Before he has to shoot again." You look at him again.

Paul nods. "All right, sweetheart. See you soon." He gives you one last kiss and turns around.

You turn too and head off to Joe. Your new friend.

If you want me to write something specific, don't be afraid and write a comment or send me a request on Tumblr:


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