You cover him with kisses (part 2)

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You asked for it, you get it. Here is part 2


- he's trying to protect you from all evil
- you want to thank him
- he interrupts you. "Y/N you don't have to thank me. I just don't want you to get hurt. You're too important to me."
- You smile at him, thinking how cute it is that he just wants to protect you
- "I still want to return the favor." you say and sit on his lap
- he puts his arms around you
- Your hands are on his shoulders, moving to his cheeks and holding him in place
- "Thank you honey for protecting me." After each word you kiss him on the face


- he stands awkwardly in the corner
- you sit on a couch and look up at him at some point
- you grin, he is so shy
- you stand up and take his hands
- "Why are you standing here alone? That's weird. Sit with me." You kiss his hand
- he responds with an "Okay."
- you pull him to the couch
- "Sit down." You command
- You sit down next to him and look at him
- he looks like he is sitting for the first time in his life
- you laugh and kiss his cheek, "I love you."


- After a concert you wait for the others so you can all go to the hotel
- you sit on his lap and snuggle up to him, your head resting on his upper arm
- his arms are around your hips, protecting you from the fall
- you scroll through your phone
- suddenly you realize how happy you are to have met Joey and to be with him
- You lift your head, "Thank you for being in my life."
- he looks at you in wonder, "I'm glad you're in my life."
- you put your phone away and bring your hands to his cheeks
- "You're so beautiful, you know that?" You ask him, brushing a strand behind his ears, he grins. "Thank..."
- you interrupt him and press a kiss to his lips stormily
- "Babe, not here. The others could come in anytime. There'll be plenty of time for that later at the hotel." He winks at you
- you roll your eyes, "No, can't I even kiss you?"
- he grins, "Do I get that after every performance now then? Or was that a one time thing?"
- you grin and kiss him again. "I don't mind if it becomes a ritual."
- you snuggle against his chest, he tightens his embrace
- "I'd love it." he whispers in your ear
- you kiss his shoulder and shortly after fall asleep with a grin on your lips


- it doesn't make any difference to otherwise
- you always cover each other with kisses
- at some point you break away from each other, your hands are intertwined
- you want to go further but Sid stops
- "You have something there." He points next to his mouth
- you touch the spot in your face. "Is it gone?"
- he shakes his head. "Wait."
- he loosens your hands and comes towards you
- his hands rest on your cheeks, he kisses you passionately
- he detaches from you, you grin at each other
- "You're messing with me to make out?" You slap his arm
- "All I need is your love." He replies
- "You can get that too if you ask me nicely." You take his face between your hands
- "Here's a little taste. Just ask me next time."
- you kiss him once, twice, three times... to make a long story short, it ends in making out


- After a restful night you wake up next to your boyfriend Jim
- you watch him sleeping peacefully
- After a short time you look at the clock and realize that it's already very late
- you slide closer to Jim and lean over him
- you gently kiss his nose and lips, "Wake up honey."
- he opens one eye, but quickly closes it and pretends to still be asleep
- You grin, "I know you're awake." He shakes his head
- you kiss him and want to get up
- suddenly an arm wraps around your waist and pulls you back
- you lie on Jim's chest
- He kisses the top of your head, "Just a few more minutes." You agree
- at the end you stay lying there longer than a few minutes

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