I missed you (Corey)

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Notes: I'm surprised how cute this work turned out. Let me know what you think

Summary: Corey is dying to cuddle with you

The first time you met each other was when Chris and Corey were filming for a TV show. The two were joking in front of the camera.

At one point Corey said, "I'm not wearing underwear."

You thought it was hilarious and a giggle escaped your throat. Quickly, you put your hand over your mouth. He didn't break out of character. When the shot ended he looked up and for the first time really looked behind the camera, his eyes narrowed because of the bright lighting. He let his gaze roam over your colleagues, until it finally stuck on you.

His blue eyes were friendly, twinkling at you in delight. He was immediately taken with you.

Your hand slipped from your mouth, revealing a wide grin. You're sure he smiled back.

He stood up unceremoniously, spoke to Chris and came to you. On his way to you, he took off his white and gray mask. Under it appeared his beautiful face. He asked blushingly for your number. He nervously ran his fingers through his hair. You gave it to him, he came across quite sympathetic.

And today he's your boyfriend, your little babyboy. Around you he acts like a kitten that needs a lot of attention and love. Constantly touches and cuddles up to you.

You're standing in the kitchen, preparing your breakfast, when two tattooed arms wrap around your waist. You look down at them, you place your hands on his arms.

"Why aren't you in bed with me." He nestles his head against the crook of your neck.

"Honey I'm hungry. Besides, we've been in bed and cuddling long enough." You disengage from his arms and go to the fridge to get a juice.

He follows you, "But I want..." You turn around with the juice in your hand. You set it aside and put your index finger to his lips.

"Shhh. Corey, baby, we can cuddle after breakfast. Can you hold out that long?" He nods silently, kissing your finger.

"Fine." Your hand slides to his chin and cups it, pulling his face closer to you.

"Then let's have breakfast already. I'm really hungry." You kiss him, reaching for the juice.

"Can you bring those two glasses there?" You point to two empty glasses.

Corey answers in affirmative and immediately sprints to them, not wanting to be separated from you so long.

You find yourself in another room and walk over to a table setting. You want to push your chair back and are prevented from doing so by Corey. "I got this honey."

You grin. "Put the glasses down first." Corey blushes. "Oh yeah right." He quickly sets them on the table and reappears beside you.

He pulls your chair back enough for you to sit down. "Thank you. You're a true gentleman."

"Don't say that. I'm sure there are better ones out there." He kisses the top of your head and settles down opposite your seat.

You guys start eating. Corey talks about future shows and you talk about any shoots with a wide variety of celebrities.

When you're done, you put your used utensils in the sink.

Corey looks at you expectantly. You exhale loudly. "I promised." Corey grins broadly and suddenly throws you onto his shoulder.

You startle at first, but then lapse into laughter. Corey takes off running. He wastes no time.

"Corey put me down." You smack his butt. "I can walk on my own."

"You're so slow, though. Then I'll have to wait until tomorrow before you make it to the bedroom." He teases.

You make an indignant face. "Corey Todd Taylor, who always takes this long to take out the trash?"

He ignores the question. You watch Corey walk through the door to your bedroom, already gently laying you down on the bed.

You can't react quickly because Corey has already jumped behind you and snuggles as close as possible to you.

He exhales with pleasure. "Finally." You turn around in his arms.

"Finally?! It wasn't even three quarters of an hour ago that we were lying here together."

Corey combs through your hair. "But I missed you during that time." He makes a pout.

You smile and nuzzle your forehead against his chest. "How are you going to make it on tour without me?"

"Let's not talk about it." A sad note resonates in his deep voice. He hugs you tighter, afraid of losing you. You take in his scent.

His body gives you warmth, you immediately feel safe.

"I love you till death." Corey whispers. His breath tickles your ear.

"I love you too babe." You lean on your arms and kiss him gently.

Then you let yourself fall back into Corey's arms, the arms that protect you from all the dangers in this world.

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