How they propose

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Thanks havingbloodisgay for the idea


- i think he is a simple man
- probably you would watch a movie together, you're snuggled up to him
- at some point he looks at you and decides the perfect moment has come
- he takes a ring out of his pocket
- "Y/N will you marry me?" You wouldn't even know it until he lightly nudges you
- you look at him in wonder. After a short moment you answer him. "Yes I will."
- you snuggle closer to him
- He slides the ring over your finger
- extra: if you don't have children yet, he would like to have some as soon as possible


- he has to get over himself, even if you've been together for a long time (it's a miracle he ever asked you out), he's just too shy
- after a concert he comes off the stage, the adrenaline is flowing through his blood, probably the only reason he has the sudden courage
- because he has been planning to marry you for a long time, he takes the ring out of his pocket
- he gets on his knee in front of you, "Y/N, do you want to make me happy until the end of my days?"
- you nod, tears of joy running down your cheeks (maybe also out of pride that he finally mouthed the question)
- a little crowd has formed around you
- he puts the ring on your finger
- you embrace, he even gives you a gentle kiss
- the audience claps, among them are also the other members of the group


- he is a romantic man
- he has been planning the proposal for a long time
- when the big day arrives he doesn't let on, only in the evening you notice that he is excited
- you think it's because the new album will be released in the next few days, you try to calm him down
- in the evening you go to a restaurant, enjoy the togetherness
- afterwards you sit down in your backyard on a garden swing, candles burning
- you are cuddled up to him until Joey suddenly gets up and announces that he has to go to the bathroom
- afterwards he tells you that he really had to use the bathroom, but you know that he just had to encourage himself
- when he stands in front of you again, he runs his hand through his hair
- you watch him slowly sink to the ground
- excitedly he pulls out a box
- he looks up at you, "Y/N, will you marry me?"
- "What?" You don't realize it at first. "Do I want to marry you? Yes I do." You fall around his neck
- his arms close tightly around you
- He murmurs in your ear. "I've dreamed of this for a long time."


- I think it's important to him to have everyone he cares about around
- that means you should be more of an open person
- probably he would ask you in the middle of a music video shoot
- one take is finished and the next scene is to be shot
- Chris suddenly gets down on his knee
- you think he wants to tie his shoes when in front of you Joey appears
- he grabs your hand without saying anything, you hear a muffled giggle through his mask
- he pulls you behind him until you are standing in front of Chris
- the other band members and crew gather around you
- "Babe, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time. Will you make me the happiest man today and marry me?"
- all are silent and wait for your answer
- "I'm glad you finally asked that. Of course I do."
- everyone starts cheering, Chris jumps up
- he wants to kiss you, almost playing your eye out with his nose, you laugh
- "Sorry love." He caresses your cheek and quickly rips the mask off his head
- you press your lips together, smiling into the kiss
- the cheering gets louder


- he has an appointment for a tattoo
- You accompany him
- he and the tattoo artist work together on the design
- at some point Paul calls you to him, you should also look at it again before he gets it stung under the skin
- you go to him
- "What is this?" The design consists of the question 'Will you marry me?" and two boxes with a yes and a no above it
- "What do you say?" He asks you
- "That you shouldn't tattoo it. Other than that yes I do."
- he pulls you onto his lap and kisses you
- he puts the ring on your finger
- shortly after you ask him. "Do you really want to get a tattoo or was this all just an excuse to propose?"
- his tattoo artist laughs and shows you a design. It's a detail of your eyes. Paul points to it. "That's what I want. What do you say?"
- "It's beautiful... my eyes."
- he grins. "That's what I thought."


- he does it suddenly, you haven't even known each other that long
- but he quickly realizes that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you
- you just woke up, standing in the kitchen and making breakfast
- you look the same as when you got up
- Sid comes into the kitchen and he realizes that he only needs you in his life
- he puts his arms around you
- "Y/N will you marry me?" His head is on your shoulder
- you turn in his arms. "Of course I want to marry you someday."
- "No I mean it. Do you want to marry me? I don't have a ring, but I can still get you one." He says
- "Are you sure?"
- "Yes."
- you accept the proposal and kiss him softly


- he's just as romantic as Joey and has been planning it for a long time too
- Corey blindfolds you, drives you to a place you have a lot of connection with (maybe where you met or confessed love)
- he helps you out of the car and leads you to a place
- "Babe you can take off the blindfold".
- you take it off, in front of you kneels Corey
- around him are thousands of flowers, your favorites
- he asks you the question that is most important to him. "Will you marry me?"
- you accept the ring, of course
- Corey starts to sob, at the same time he showers you with kisses, he is just so happy that you want to marry him
- he always thought he wasn't good enough for you
- at the end you are in each other's arms and cry out of joy


- you're at work and you get a message from your boyfriend. "Honey, will you marry me?"
- you think he's joking and play along. Who asks something like that over the phone
- "Yeah, of course I will. Love you."
- "Love you too." He replies with way too many smileys
- you giggle and put your phone away
- as you enter the house Mick comes out of a room, wraps you in his arms and kisses you demandingly
- "Hello Mrs./Mr. Thomson."
- "Hello Mr. Thomson." You reply jokingly
- "I just couldn't wait any longer. I just had to ask you."
- your smile freezes. "Wait, you were serious about that question?"
- he nods. "I still have to give you the ring. I have it right here." He pulls it out
- "Give me your hand." You hold it out to him
- "I thought you were kidding." He laughs at your statement. "No, I was serious." "Oh."
- "Will you marry me anyway?"
- You nod. "Once agreed then it stays that way, honey."


- Jim has written a song
- he asks you to sing the lyrics, he plays on his guitar
- he hands you the lyrics, "Don't read it yet. Not until you sing."
- you turn the note over immediately, "Sorry Mr. Root, I didn't know that."
- he mumbles something to himself
- he starts to play a melody and gives you a sign shortly after
- you start singing the first verse
- in it Jim obviously shows you how much he loves you
- in the second part he sings about your future together
- your singing becomes quieter and quieter, turns into a reading
- the song ends with a question. "Will you marry me?"
- "What?" You look at Jim, who looks at you, waiting
- "And what do you say?"
- "You really want to marry me?" He nods
- You fall around his neck nodding eagerly. "That was so sweet. I love you so much."
- "I love you too." He finally takes out the ring and gives it to you

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