8 (Corey)

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Summary: you visit Corey in the studio


For a month now, your boyfriend has been in the studio with his bandmates recording a new album.

That means that Corey either doesn't come home at all or gets up very early to spend as much time as possible in the studio. You almost don't see each other at all during this time.

That's why you're especially happy today because you're going to visit Corey in the studio.

You stand in front of the studio door and ring the bell. You wait a moment and hear footsteps.

"Hey Y/N." Jim opens the door for you and takes you firmly in his arms.

"Hey, we finally meet again." You murmur into his shoulder. You separate from each other. "You know where the studio is."

You nod. Even if you didn't know, you would know where to go. The boys make such a racket.

You walk past the kitchen and open the door to the studio.

The first thing you see is Mick sitting on a chair playing his guitar.

In another corner Sid, Joey and Chris are sitting and fooling around. Craig and Paul are nowhere to be seen.

When you open the door all the way, you see Shawn sitting before the recording room. Inside is your boyfriend Corey, screaming his head off. Finally you can see him again.

"Hello Y/N." You turn your head to Joey. "Oh hey Joey." You wave. Sid and Chris turn to you.

"Come here." Sid beckons you over. With a broad grin on your face you walk towards them.

When you stand in front of them, Sid wants to hug you, but Joey pushes him aside.

"Me first, asshole." He puts his arms around you. "Ah, I missed your hugs."

"Why do you get to hug Y/N first?" Sid asks and pulls you out of Joey's arms.

"Maybe because we like each other more."

Jim appears behind Joey. "That's not true at all. Y/N hugged me first."

"What? Really?" Joey makes a horrified expression. "Oh, guys. I missed you too." You say and give Sid and Chris a quick hug, one after the other.

You look at Shawn and Corey who still haven't noticed that you are there. Then you turn to Mick who has now put his guitar aside and leans back in his chair. When he sees you he smiles and stands up.

"Hey little one." "Hey, big guy." You hug him too. "Sorry, but I have to say hello to Corey."

Mick nods. You walk towards Shawn who is sitting with his back to you. You hug his head from behind. "Hey Shawn. Can I go in or are you recording something?" He flinches slightly and turns his head back. He puts his hands on your arms that are resting under his face.

"Y/N don't scare me like that!" He complains. "But yes, you can go in."

Immediately you loosen your embrace and straighten up. You walk towards the door, adjust your clothes once more and open the door to the recording room.

Corey, with headphones on and eyes closed, doesn't even notice you enter the room. He's still screaming his head off.

You run up to him, wrap your arms around his neck and give him a kiss on the cheek. He immediately stops shouting.

Corey opens his eyes. Looks down at himself and sees your grinning face. Immediately his face lights up. His arms wrap around your hips. He presses you tightly against him.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" "I wanted to surprise..." You don't get any further because Corey interrupts you.

"It doesn't matter. The main thing is that you're here." He says and takes your face in his hands. He leans down and kisses you.

"Guys, that's so sweet." Joey's voice sounds loudly. You break the kiss and look at the window that lies between the studio and the recording room. In front of it are the guys watching you. Joey is standing over the control panel, holding a microphone in his hand.

"You guys are such peeping toms." Corey yells into the microphone in front of him.

Sid snatches the microphone from Joey's hand. "You're a peeping Tom. You fucker."

"SID!" You admonish him. He immediately makes an apologetic face. "Sorry." The others laugh at this.

"You would do the same." Is Sid miffed.

"Come on. We'll take a break." Says Corey, loosening his arms around your hips. Instead, he grabs your hand and leads you out of the recording room.

"Guys, we're going to take a short break. You'll find us in the kitchen."

Corey opens the studio door for you. You slip through. "Thanks, honey." Corey smiles and follows you into the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink?" "A coffee wouldn't be bad. I just got up an hour ago."

Corey puts on a coffee and sits down with you.

"I missed you. You didn't come home last night."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just want to use as much time as possible." He says and reaches for your hand. His thumb runs over your knuckles.

"Not for long. Then I'll be home all the time again." He lifts your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles.

"I'm looking forward to waking up together again." He looks you in the eyes and thinks about something.

"Babe, you know what? Here, take the ring." Corey releases your hands from each other and pulls his ring with the 8 on it off his finger. He holds it out to you.

"But it's so important to you." "Just take it until we see each other all the time again. So that you always have me with you."

"Oh Corey." You put your hand on his cheek. He leans into your touch. "That's so sweet of you. I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N. So much." You run your thumb over his cheekbone and kiss him.

"Joey's right. You guys are really cute." You jump apart in fright and turn to the direction from which the voice comes. "But if you keep doing that, I'm going to puke."

Shawn stands in the doorway with a serious face.

"Honey, take a cup of coffee. I have something to do." Corey says as he stands up. He gives you a quick kiss on the top of your head and then turns to Shawn.

"Come on over here, you butthead." Says Shawn belligerently.

"I'm gonna kill you, bitch." Corey runs towards Shawn. Shawn runs away from him.

There you sit smiling with Corey's ring firmly in your hand.

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