... with reader who's a model (Corey, Joey & Jim)

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This chapter is for foreveralwaysniklaus so you have more Corey stories in your life ;)


- you remember many years ago when the first headline came up: Model Y/N and singer Corey Taylor a couple?
- that was the first time you were photographed together, Corey grinning and holding your hand while you laughed at one of his jokes
- he accompanied you to your apartment
- after that there were more and more rumors, positive and negative. Whereby it was more negative against Corey
- there were articles about your relationship. Why is a model like you with a bad boy like Corey? Or what do you see in him? Your relationship was not official yet
- you were not too famous as a model. You got jobs you liked to do. But there was one person you liked modeling for the most. And you do it over and over again. For Corey... well actually Slipknot. At some point he asked you if you could model for the store. Of course you didn't hesitate and said yes right away. Since then you model for every new collection
- when people suddenly saw you on the website it was clear that you and Corey are a couple. You officially confirmed your relationship
- all the attention didn't hurt you no. On the contrary. You got more jobs for designers that never considered you before
- whenever possible Corey accompanies you to fashion shows, sits in the audience and looks at you in love
- part of all the headlines were true. Corey was a bad boy. That's how you came to know and love him. But he quickly changed, became calmer and more relaxed because he finally had the love of his life with him
- eventually, all the headlines about you guys died down. The next ones were years later when you got married and later had your first child
- despite the fact that you are often far away from each other your relationship has lasted over the years and you are happy together
- Slipknot fans only know you as a couple


- It is unusual to have a metal band as a guest at a fashion show, this night was probably the first time ever (maybe just because you begged the promoter to invite Joey)
- Slipknot is standing in front of the building, masks on and giving interviews
- you just wanted to check if they are already there, Joey sees you out of the corner of his eye and grins proudly under his mask
- next to him is Shawn answering a reporter's question
- you can't help it. You scurry to Joey and kiss the cheek of his mask, you can literally feel his smile
- as quickly as you came you are gone, the reporter and Shawn look confused. "Was that Y/N?"
- later the show starts, you look like a decorated Christmas tree
- you are supposed to end the show with your walk
- when it's finally time, you step onto the catwalk
- all nine members are sitting in the front row, Joey is sitting at the head
- it looks a bit funny, the men are sitting there bored in suits and masks
- when they see you they straighten up in their seats and watch your performance
- you pose at the end of the runway and turn around, wink at your boyfriend and disappear behind the wall
- Joey is speechless. How can you move so gracefully and seductively at the same time?
- Chris leans toward Joey, the long nose of his mask touching Joey's shoulder. He whispers. "You're really lucky." He pats your boyfriend's shoulder appreciatively
- after the show, pictures are taken with the models. Slipknot comes up to you immediately. They congratulate you on the successful performance
- Joey puts his arm around you. "You were wonderful honey."
- the photographer comes to your group and asks if he can take pictures, you agree
- Joey pulls you to his chest, the other members stand next to your sides like bodyguards
- days later the pictures appear in different fashion magazines, you find the strong contrast between your colorful outfit and the black suits funny
- in the future Joey accompanies you whenever he can


- he really tries to be at every photo shoot or fashion show, to support you
- in the beginning he was not liked by the photographers because... well he is in Slipknot. But once they get to know him they find him quite nice. What should he do? Yell at everyone for no reason and destroy everything?
- when you're elegantly lolling in front of the camera he cheers you on, says things like "You look fantastic babe."
- in the breaks he comes to you immediately, asks if you are well, if you have eaten and drunk enough
- sometimes it happens that you model in your underwear, which Jim likes the most
- when you come out of the dressing room and are perfectly made up, he stands there with his mouth open
- when he first saw you like this, he came to you and said softly in your ear. "I think I'm in heaven. I just saw an angel."
- you slap his arm laughing, you've never heard such a corny line from his mouth before
- today he just stares at you, when you stand in front of a white wall and the light caresses you perfectly, nothing makes him happier than to see you like this
- when he then sees the resulting pictures... according to him they should be 'forbidden', no one else should get to see something like that except him...
- Jim keeps all the articles and pictures about you, he says he wants to show them to your kids later so they know how beautiful you are, but you know he just keeps them so he always has something of you with him on tour

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