Chapter 2

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"Why not?" Anasui asks you, looking a bit annoyed now.

Realizing that you are now looking crazy in front of him you let him go and placed your hands into each other.

"I know this maybe sounds crazy." You finally say thinking about how you will phrase your words before again speaking, "Your GF is cheating on you."

"You are right, you are crazy," Anasui says turning his back to you.

As he did this you stand in front of him again extending your hands out to a stop sign before saying quickly, "I know this is the first time you are meeting me, and I am saying something that may piss you off even more since it's my word against your GF but you have to believe me when I say you cannot go upstairs"

You have spoken so fast that it caused you to lose breath.

With this Anasui rolls his eyes and started to walk past you again up the stairs to his apartment. You ran to him again fearing he is going to repeat his actions again you have tears in your eyes.

"Please don't go-" You say.

Anasui stops and turned to look at you with a bit of an angry face before saying, "Even if what you say is true, and if my gf is actually cheating on me why do you care?"

"I-" You start to say thinking, which causes him to start walking again upstairs because you were taking too long to answer him again. "I CARE BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ANSUI" you finally yelled out.

this causes Anasui to stop and look at you now with a mix of different expressions that you cannot read, before saying, "Love me? Listen I think you need to go home and-"

"No, I do love you and I have for a long time. But you went out of your way to never see me and go off to pick those who never will ever love you, so please Anasui don't go I am begging you..." You say starting to cry.

"I am sorry but I think it's best for you to go home, and not come back here again I have a gf so..." He says as he keeps on walking to his apartment.

As he keeps on getting away from your sight, you fall to your knees starting to cry even harder as the sky becomes gloomy.

"Don't...... go......." You started to say as you started to balled out crying, thinking about how you failed on trying to stop Anasui from killing his GF today.

rains pour onto your body, making you detach fully, as you get up from the ground to then go back home.

Anasui's POV now

'Weird what that girl was talking about, my GF cheating on me is funny.' He thinks to himself as he started to walk to his shared apartment with him and his GF.

As he started to open the apartment door, he looks to see clothes fall around the floor of this apartment. He sees not his GF's clothes laying around, but also another man's clothes. He started to hear moans coming from his shared bedroom between him and his GF.

"No- can't be," Anasui says as he walks to the bedroom door.

He started to become angry, as he places his hand on the door knot to the bedroom. He started to think 'could it be that crazy girl is right and is my GF actually....' before opening the door.

upon opening the door, Anasui sees his beloved GF whom he works to support and love with all his heart in the arms of another man, on top of that man.

The moans keep going on causing Anasui to become angry, and to the point, he is almost murderous, summoning Diver down his stand to kill both his GF and her lover into pieces. But he then thinks back to that girl's words earlier, how she says that he picks the worst choices of women to love that never gives him love back. He also remembered on how that girl said she loves him, with her begging painful expression on how she wanted you to see her.

"hu-" Anasui GF says seeing he is now in the room with her and this man.

Anasui quickly gets his head back into reality and looks at his gf with a disbelief smile making his stand go away again before looking at her to say, "Honey I am home" before leaving the room again.

"Anasui wait-" His GF says running after Anasui.

Anasui stops and looks at her to say, "For what?"

"It's not what it looks like, I mean Your always busy with work and I was feeling lonely?" GF says with a pathic look on her face.

"So you go and cheat on me, In our home, hell in our bed that we share, what the hell were you even fucking thinking?" Anasui says pissed.

"I-I didn't mean for this to go this far"

"we're done, and go and be with that guy?" Anasui says cutting her off.

"Anasui I want to be with you-" gf says trying to grab onto Anasui arm, where he pushes her off him which causes her to scream in pain a bit.

"Listen to me right now (GF Name), You're lucky as of now I am breaking up with you rather than killing both you and your lover in that room. So now I really need to get the heck out of here." Anasui says grabbing his phone, and a bag he started to put clothes into, and walking out of the apartment despising the cries of his now ex gf to him.

A few hours later Anasui is in a hotel room, to stay the night there to try and cool off his mind about the things that just happened.

"Love me, sure," Anasui says while thinking back to his ex gf actions.

Anasui started to think about what you said and says, "You love me huh?" as he lay down on the bed of the hotel room.

"Fine if you love me as you say, even going your way to try and stop me from getting hurt for what I was about to see with gf, I'll give you a try," Anasui says thinking about you fondly.

"But the problem is, I didn't get her name huh?" Anasui says looking at his phone screen, seeing it has at least 20 missed calls and texts from his now ex gf.

He tosses his phone to the side and lay there until he went to bed thinking about everything that happened today.


Author Notes:

The art is from the official anime itself.

Thank you for reading.

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