Chapter 7: tag team

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Third P.O.V

It the day, the tag team between Judy and syrus, after that, y/n is next.

Y/n, judy and syrus was in their dorm, while the trial is about to start, judy and syrus are building their deck. While y/n is by himself, putting a deck together.

Y/n: "okay, If I put this card in my deck I could win but the fusion is going to be in ass to the materials."

He hold a fusion monster then judy look over his shoulder.

Judy: "woah, that some sweet card."

Y/n: "ahhh!" He jump and look at her "judy! I told you don't do that!"

Judy: she giggle "sorry but that card though, it look powerful."

As she about to grab it, y/n move his hand away.

Y/n: "sorry, Judy can't have you spoil."

Judy: "aww, come on, at least let me take a peek."

Y/n: "I can show to you when you win the duel."

She smile and hug him.

Judy: "sound good!"

Y/n: "y-yeah, also, you guys good in your deck?"

Judy: "yep! I'm sure me and sy will be alright!"

Syrus: "well, I'll do my best."

Y/n: "good, I'll be counting on you even you syrup."

Syrus: "why can you ever say my name right.."


Duel academy
Duel area.

Announcer: "the tag duel will begin in just a few moments, remember these are test conditions, this is a sudden expulsion match."

Bastion: "a little harsh I'd say."

Alexis: "no joke, your bastion misawa, a friend of judy right?"

Bastion: "I suppose you could say that, and your Alexis rhodes?"

Alexis: "yes, I'm also why they're in this mess, they were helping me at the abandoned dorm."

Bastion: "I see."

Alexis: "but now if there's anyone in need their help, it them."

Bastion: "I heard y/n is also being in this match."

Alexis: "yes.. I try to become tag duel with y/n but Sheppard say there someone already coming here."

Bastion: "well, for their sake, we just have to watch."

Announcer: "bring on the accuse, syrus truesdale and judy yuki."

Judy: "oh wow, this place look great."

Syrus: "yeah, you think they maybe they count your echo as your tag partner?"

Judy: "come on! Your my partner."

She rub his head and walk to the stage.

Chazz: 'those slifer slacker! It should be me taken on them but I guess someone could do it for me.'

After that, y/n walk to bastion and Alexis.

Y/n: "hey guys."

Bastion: "y/n, perfect you show up."

Alexis: "where have you been?"

Y/n: "I got lost."

Bastion and Alexis sweatdrop. He sat next to Alexis.

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