Reflections - Regina Mills

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Praising, mommy kink, etc...


The weekend was always your favorite part of the week, not only were you free from work but those two and a half glorious days were always child-free.

As of recently, Henry has come up with his own parenting plan. On weekdays he would stay with you and Regina then once the weekend rolled around he would stay over with Emma and Killian.

After certain disputes with Emma died down, Henry took full advantage of the double parenting to ensure everyone got to spend time with him.

He did stay with Mary Margaret and David on occasion but in the wise words of young Henry himself, 'they're too old school'.

It was only a matter of time before Henry got tired of trying to explain to them what a gameboy was and how it worked.

Today however was Friday, which marked the start of a brand new weekend. Everything went the same as usual, take Henry to school, help Regina in the office, grab lunch at Granny's, and last but not least, start spending the entire weekend alone with Regina.

While Regina was dropping Henry off at Emma's, you wanted tonight to be extra special for her.

It's been a while since you got all dolled up just for her and seeing you in her favorite color always made her jaw drop.

Working around the room, lights were turned off, candles were lit, rose petals were scattered, and you were frantically trying to make everything look perfect.

Although, all that was left was for you to slip on a little black dress but the second you saw your reflection in the mirror it's like you were caught in a daze.

The soft reflections from the candlelight had your skin looking like smooth silk. . .

And sheer red lace that barely covered your body seemed to hug in all the right places. . .

Your hands couldn't help but glide down the sides of your body before making their way around the back. With a slight turn, you watched as your hands slid down past the straps of your thong and admired the way it accentuated the roundness of your ass.

"Fuck. . ." You heard from an oh-so familiar voice.

You gasp sharply as your head whips towards the doorway to see Regina leaning against the doorframe with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.

"I thought I was coming home to dinner. . ."

Regina kicks off her heels, instantly making her way towards you.

"But it looks like we're headed straight to dessert."

Her lustful voice got deeper than usual, just before her signature red stained lips collided with yours in a fiery kiss. Hands carefully cupped your cheeks while yours slid to her back in search of the zipper to her dress.

Regina giggles when she feels your fingers fumbling to pull the zipper down.

She walks you towards the bed and gently pushes you down onto the bottom half of the lush mattress.

You lift yourself up on your elbows and watch as she stands between your legs slowly gliding the zipper down.

You couldn't help but admire the way her lightly tanned skin was glowing under the candlelight.

Her dress falls to the floor revealing a matching black lace set that fits her body perfectly. Garters with little bows on them sat tightly against her thighs holding up her sheer black stockings that ended with a pair of black high heels.

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