Quiet Hours - Maude

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A Pamela Rabe character from the show called Fucking Adelaide. Definitely give it a watch, her character is so cute!
Age gap, etc...


You peeked your head out the door from the room you were supposedly 'sleeping' in, and scanned the hallway for any movement. And thank god there was nobody there. Your bare footsteps made a few cracks in the old wooden flooring creak as you hastily made your way to the room you truly wanted to sleep in.

Part of you was gutted by the fact that you and Maude had to hide your relationship, her telling her children, who were not that much younger than you, that you were just a friend.

But you were much, much, more than that. And you knew that, but you also knew that Maude wasn't ready just yet to reveal the actual truth that the two of you have been seeing each other, as the older woman was afraid of what her offspring would think of her.

She was once married to a man, and now here she is, dating a woman. A woman who treated her like no other. Like she was a goddess. A treasure to be cherished. And that's exactly what she was to you. Someone you never wanted to let go.

Your mind raced as you failed to knock on your lover's door, letting yourself in without a moment of hesitation as to avoid being seen by wandering eyes.

"Darling, what are you doing? Shut the door!" Maude whisper yelled, her head tilting, and her eyes flicking over your shoulder to make sure nobody sees you.

You shut the door and turned the lock with a quiet 'click', Maude instantly taking in your barely covered and well more petite figure. "I missed you..." you stated truthfully, letting your bottom lip fall in a faux pout that only made the woman lightly laugh.

"Honey, it's only been an hour," she removed the covers from her body, revealing her satin gown, and gestured towards her lap with that adorable smile that you loved oh so much.

There was no hesitation to swing your leg over her body to straddle the woman, your own thin nightgown hiking up past your upper thigh. The view Maude had from her angle definitely made the older woman hold back a growl.

"Well I can't help it," you tucked a stray gray hair behind her ear as her hands fell to the curve of your hips. "I always miss seeing your beautiful face with those delicious chocolate eyes looking at me. And the way you constantly have some kind of finger on me, always keeping me close to you. Keeping me warm."

"Is that so?" She questioned, a familiar glint sparkling in her eye as her fingers slid down to your upper thigh, only to let her digits roam past the hem of your gown. "On... or in you?" Maude asked, letting a wandering hand cup your heated center.

"I think we both know the answer to that," you chuckled, wetting your lips with your tongue before capturing Maude in a tender kiss. You meant for it to be a short, sweet kiss, but Maude had just felt how wet you were. And when you went to pull away, her teeth clenched to your bottom lip, forcing you to stay.

Her tongue was welcomed into your mouth, your gasp from her fingers moving your panties to the side to glide along your folds was muffled. She gathered your slick from your entrance to your clit, slowly giving your bud some much needed attention.

"So, which one is it?" She asked between sloppy kisses. "On or in? Let me hear you say it, pretty girl." Her free hand left your hip to cup your breast, sliding her thumb across your nipple, and smiling at the fact that you weren't wearing a bra.

"In," you admitted, Maude's fingers now sliding back to toy at your entrance. "Definitely in— please—" Maude didn't even give you the chance to beg, as she sunk two digits deep into your core.

Your hand flew up to cover your mouth that was now freely moaning at her ministrations, while the other held onto her shoulder for support, moving the black and gray strands behind her back to avoid pulling her hair.

As filthy as this moment is, Maude was always taken back at how sweet, and tender you were with her. You could easily be rougher with the woman, make the sex dirtier, but you always chose not to. Instead, allowing yourself to be gentle with the older woman, knowing how bad her past was with her ex.

It was actions like this that made her fall for you even harder than she thought she ever would. She never thought she'd find someone as sweet and caring as you. Who treated her with the utmost love and affection. And she relished every moment she spent with you.

You made her realize her worth.

Maude's hand left your breast, to uncover your mouth, allowing a few of your moans to escape before she took hold of your chin and brought your face back to hers. She needed your lips back on hers. Needing to be as close to you as possible.

And it didn't take long for you to clench against her digits, whining into the kiss as you came, and Maude being oh so careful to not overstimulate you.

"Mmm..." you hummed contently, leaning your forehead against hers with your eyes closed, and cupping her face ever so gently with your hands. "I love you, Maude."

"I love you too, my sweet girl. More than words can even describe." She stroked your cheek with her thumb, while also easing her digits out of you. "Now let's get you cleaned up, and you can sleep in here with me tonight, hmm?"

You leaned back, eyebrows knitted in worry, "But, what about—" A soft finger to your lips cuts you off. "I'm telling them about us in the morning." Maude said, with a sweet smile and a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"You are?" You asked, your face immediately lighting up.

"Yes," she chuckled. "I am. They deserve to know how happy you make me," Maude admitted. "Darling, this is the happiest and most loved I've ever been. I want everyone to know that it's you who is making me feel this way. I don't care what they'll think anymore, I'm doing this for me.... For us." She finished her statement with a loving kiss to the tip of your nose.

You couldn't help but melt at her words. Arms wrapping around her neck as you gazed happily into her brown eyes that looked back at you with both love and admiration.

For once in your life, you were truly happy. And you couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for not only you, but your blossoming relationship with Maude.

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