Work Shenanigans - Melissa Schemmenti

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Praise, slight degradation,
toys (remote controlled vibrator),
orgasm delay, mommy kink,
semi-public sex, etc...


You were just finishing grading your final papers for the day, eyes darting to the clock that hung on the wall above the door to your classroom, forcing you to hurry your last few corrections before the teacher's meeting that awaited you in just a few minutes.

Just as you moved the finished stack to the side, the heavy door opening, closing, and locking, turned your attention away from the pile and over to the redhead who just entered your empty classroom with her bottom lip pulled between her teeth.

"Mel, what's that look for? You're up to something. . ."

"What do you mean?" The not-so-innocent look on her face only aided your accusation more.

Your eyes squinted suspiciously, noticing the way her hips swayed more prominently as she slowly stepped towards you with her hands hidden behind her back.

Melissa swiftly swiveled your chair towards her, a single hand resting against the armrest, the other still behind her back as she lowered herself down, coming face to face with you. You could feel the heat radiating off her body as her lips hovered just in front of yours.

Her cleavage came into full view over the low neckline of her shirt, and it took everything in you not to tear your eyes from her face to admire the fullness of her chest.

"Spread your legs for me, hon."

"I– why?" Your face immediately flushed, her words and lustful tone catching you off guard.

"I brought something special to get you through today's meeting that won't leave you bored, but will leave you all hot and bothered instead."

A small whimper left your throat when you felt the smallest of vibrations against your inner thigh that only caused Melissa's smirk to deepen.

"Is that a yes?" She raised a small brow.


"Then spread those legs for me like the good girl I know you are."

You complied with her words, legs opening for her as she fell to her knees before you. You couldn't help but gaze anxiously at the small window on your door that's the only thing separating you from anyone walking by and seeing Melissa kneeling between your legs.

"Nobody is around. I already made sure of it."

Melissa was proud of herself, not only ensuring nobody would be walking by, but convincing Ava to switch rooms for the meeting that was now being held on the other side of the school.

You nodded your head hesitantly, but the wetness coating your panties said another story. Melissa could tell how eager you were at the sight of your hips slightly bucking towards her when she revealed the toy held in her manicured hand.

"That's my girl," she cooed.

You knew exactly what she had in mind. She was holding a remote control and a small vibrator that was soon going to be inside you. Your fingers shook with anticipation as you hiked your skirt up to slip your panties down your legs. Melissa had to hold back a whimper at the sight of you. She could take you in her mouth right here, right now, but she had much more enticing plans before she did.

"Look at you, so wet for this already."

"Please," you let out a shaky breath when Melissa slowly drags the tip of the vibrating toy up your leg.

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