Steamy - Lady Lesso

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Praising, toys (strap-on), etc...


The comfort of a hot shower always helped soothe tense muscles after a long and stressful day. You were already naked and under the cascading warm water when the bathroom door suddenly came to a sharp close.



"Are you going to join me?"

"Yes dear, but I need you to close your eyes first."

"Why?" You question, trying to focus on the tall shadow through the foggy glass door of the shower.

"Just do it, I have a surprise for you." Her voice was much deeper than usual and it was easily recognizable as her very distinctive stern voice.

You do as you're told and cover your eyes with your hands. "Okay, eyes are closed."

The shower door slides open and the woman steps inside, just a few inches in front of you and closes the door behind her.

"Open your eyes."

Following her directions, your eyes open and are met with a naked Lesso. The only thing covering her skin was her new strap attached at her hips. Your finger instantly ran along its length, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth.

"Do you want to suck it, darling?"

You eagerly nod your head.

After many, many, different occasions where you've begged her to get one, she finally caved in and decided to buy one just for you. Part of her was eager to see how you were going to take it.

"Then get on your knees and put that pretty little mouth to work."

Water ran down your back as you became aware of just how big the toy was when your knees were met with the cold floor and it was out in front of your face.

Lesso had a smirk when she saw your eyes widen just the slightest.

She pushes stray hairs out of your face and slides her hand to the back of your head, slowly guiding you towards the toy.

Your tongue licks the bottom side of the dildo before slowly inching it inside your mouth. It glides in with ease and Lesso proudly watches how deep you can go.

"That's my good girl."

You relax your throat to your best ability as she coaxes you along.

"You're doing so good for me."

She helps guide your head along the full length of the strap, but gentle enough to ensure you went only as far as you were comfortable.

"Just like that. . ."

You slowly begin to bob your head back and forth as your eyes wander up the long pale body of the woman towering above you.

Lesso gathers your hair, making a makeshift ponytail atop your head to help guide your movements easier. She hums in approval at your eagerness to please her.

You force your eyes up at your lover, just to be met with a pair of bright eyes looking proudly down at you. You notice small beads of sweat forming along her pale skin as the heat from the shower fills the air around you two.

Your eyes then heavily fell upon her body, watching as her bare chest moved with each deep breath the tall woman took.

"Mmm, I could have you do this all day. . ." She adored the growing shade of pink along your hollowed cheeks. "But, I think I'd rather watch you from a different position." Lesso pulled your hair back, just hard enough to elicit a muffled moan from you as she slowly pulled the toy from your mouth.

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