Potions - Cordelia Goode

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Praise, aphrodisiac potion,
mentions of alcohol, etc...


"How much longer, 'Delia?" You asked, sneaking your arms around the blonde's slim waist. "I'm growing cold up there without my favorite supreme wrapped in my arms." Your lips couldn't help but fall into a pout as you rested your chin on her shoulder.

"I'm the only supreme, darling." She giggled, keeping her focus on the two glasses in front of her as she dumped a maroon colored liquid just below the rims. "And I'm just finishing up. I think I've finally perfected it!" She bit her plump bottom lip, turning her head to face you with excitement.

"Finally," you gave the blonde a quick kiss. "I really hope this works this time. I can't wait to see which one of us gives in first." You smirked against her lips.

"We haven't even drank it yet and you're already kissing me, darling. It's going to be you. You're very needy."

You protrude your bottom lip in a faux pout that only elicited a wider smile from the blonde and another quick peck to your lips in a reassuring kiss.

"God, I love when you make that face. It's absolutely adorable."

You playfully rolled your eyes at her words and tugged at her shirt to bring her to the plush blanket sprawled out and decorated with a few scattered pillows that sat just a few feet away from the lit fireplace.

Cordelia was well coordinated, and didn't spill a single drop of her newest concoction at your eagerness to bring her back towards the warmth.

You were first to plop down, Cordelia offering your drink to you before she sat down beside you, shoulders just barely touching yours.

"Nuh uh, not so fast, darling." Cordelia stopped your glass from tipping any further when you were too caught up in excitement over your drink. "We have to drink it at the exact same time."

You had nearly forgotten about the specifics, her concoctions always had to be done the way she said so, and it wasn't your place to question the witch when she gave you an order.

Cordelia admired your excitement. It always put a smile on her face that you were always so keen on trying new things, especially if it was something she made specifically for you.

"I really hope this works," Cordelia said quietly.

"It will. I just know it." You reassured her.

The witch then cleared her throat and held her glass towards you, and you were sure to clink your glass against hers in unison before both of you took your first sips from the dark substance.

You let out a sound of approval as the liquid hit your tastebuds. A sweet mix of apple, cinnamon, and a dash of alcohol entered your system. It tasted warm and inviting, the drink instantly putting you at ease...or so you thought.

Your gaze flicked over to the woman next to you who was still focused on her drink. Too focused to notice the way your eyes darkened when her tongue slowly swiped along the sugar coated rim on her glass.

You could feel your cheeks grow warm, and it wasn't just from the fireplace. It felt like you were heating up from the inside out. Your thoughts were in the gutter as a familiar ache grew between your legs.

You tried to play it off by nonchalantly repositioning yourself and squeezing your thighs together, the action not going unnoticed by the blonde.

Cordelia smirked and gulped down the rest of her drink, purposely tipping her glass far too much to let a few stray droplets of liquid fall from the corner of her mouth and land upon the upper swell of her breast.

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