Use Me - Addison Montgomery

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Degrading, praise, spanking,
mommy kink, spreader bar, etc...


"What's your safe word?" You were asked by the older woman straddling your hips.

"Pineapple," you shakily responded, slightly squirming your body in anticipation.

"Good. Remember that. Now bend over mommy's lap." She patted her tanned and toned thighs.

You bowed your head in submission before hurling yourself over the redheads lap with your ass lifted ever so slightly.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"You're my little plaything tonight. My little stress reliever. You're going to be my own personal fucktoy until I feel better." Her cold hand found the cheek of your ass, and it took everything in you to deny the shiver that attempted to take over your body.

A hiss escaped your throat when the spanking first started, the sharp sting hitting you every few seconds that was followed by a small soothing rub to ease a bit of the tension.

Addison let out a loud sigh, allowing herself to let all of her stress out on you. Not that you cared, you would do anything for her. Anything for the woman who stole your heart.

You took spank after spank, allowing your body to be in complete submission to the older woman. You knew how much she needed this today. How stressed she was all day at work with little to no time to let herself relax.

That was, until the two of you got home and you told her to take her stress out on you. After all, you would rather it be on you and your body over her sharp words cutting into the brand new interns.

"You can be rougher with me, mommy." You whispered out to her with a small wiggle of your ass that had the redhead squeeze it tighter.

Even though you had a safe word, Addison still made sure to not get too carried away. After all, this wasn't just for her.. she still wanted to make sure it felt good for you. And it definitely did.

"Is that so?" She raised a brow that you couldn't see. "Is my sweet girl ready for me to let it all out on this pretty little body?"

"Yes, mommy. Please.." you tried to urge the woman on, "Use me. Do whatever you want with me. I'm yours.. all yours."

Fingers wrapped in your hair, pulling you up from her lap so you could face her. She admired the way your cheeks were already covered in a blush and she had barely even started with you.

"Then be my good little girl and lay down on the bed. Mommy knows exactly what she's going to do with you." She scrunched her nose with a sadistic smile and gave you a wink before letting you go, watching admirably as you scrambled onto the bed without hesitation.

Your head fell against the plush pillow while your eyes followed the fiery locks of your lover as she made her way to the walk-in closet. The dimly lit room was where the redhead left her special toys.

Toys she loved to use on you. Only you.

And the specific toy she brought out tonight was new. She figured now would be the best time to try it out and test your limits.

Your eyes widened when you realized what she had brought out with her. A spreader bar. A bar that would not only help hold your legs open, but to also keep them from closing. Something you often did when the woman made you come.

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