Silence - Evelyn Poole

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Semi-public sex, praise,
brief mentions of some anxiety, etc...


"Keep the carriage steady this time, I don't pay you to steer like a madman while our fingers go numb from holding on for dear life. Mess up again and you're done for." Your lover sternly stated, dark eyes glaring daggers into the wide-eyed coachmen.

"Y-yes ma'am, it won't happen again, I promise!" The older man stuttered, fear prominently visible behind his eyes.

There were rumors of what happened to Evelyn Poole's coachmen. The ones whom she couldn't trust to get her where she needed to be with ease.

Today for example, there was a ball Evelyn had managed to get an invite to, and she wanted you to attend it with her. After all, she loved nothing more than to show you off. You were the light in her darkened life, and she wanted to ensure everyone knew who you belonged to.

She loved to dress you up for special events. Put you in her most expensive looking gowns, and do your hair and makeup in a way that had you looking ethereal to anyone who glanced your way.

"Thank you," you smiled sweetly towards the brunette, whose face immediately went from cold to warm as she opened the carriage door for you.

"You're welcome, my darling." She held your hand, guiding you into the quaint carriage.

Words like those were only heard by you. Behind Evelyn's cold exterior, you were her soft spot. She was never anything but kind towards you, something others couldn't relate to.

After sitting down, Evelyn followed suit, closing the door behind her and making herself comfortable in the seat across from you. She tapped on the wall behind her, alerting the coachman that he could start moving the carriage.

Events like this always made you nervous, being surrounded by the rich and prestigious always made you feel out of place, knowing you were only here because of Evelyn.

Although you always had a fresh coat of polish on your nails, Evelyn was quick to pick up on the anxious habit you unknowingly did with the picking of your nails.

Her chocolate hues examined your twiddling fingers and the slight curve of your brows that knitted together as you glanced out the window beside you.

"Relax, pet. There's nothing to worry about." The curly-haired brunette placed a reassuring hand on your entangled fingers. "You've met these people before, they absolutely adore you."

"I just can't help but feel out of place at these events. You all come from money, I'm just... nothing."

The woman's lips parted in shock at the word you used to describe yourself. Nothing. You weren't nothing at all. You were everything. Everything she wished she was and so much more.

"Don't you dare say that, my sweet girl." She took your chin between her thumb and forefinger, forcing your gazes to meet. "I don't want to ever hear you say that again, do you hear me?" You're not nothing. You are everything. The most brave, kindest, and beautiful soul I've ever come across in my lifetime."

Her face was stern but truthful, dark eyes softening as she gazed into your eyes with nothing but love and adoration.

The small smile forming on your face had her cold heart grow warm. She loved that smile of yours. No matter what kind of mood she was in, once she saw your smile, everything would shift for the better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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