Chapter 33

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I flipped over to see Lew on his phone.

"Hey boo" I said to him.

"Good morning baby" he replied to me.

"Oh no it's about to get all lovey dovey again!!" William said pretending to be horrified and afraid while laughing. Haha I love joking around with my friends.

"Hahaha William. Very funny" I said to William.

"Why yes, it is very funny." William replied. "Also text me back." He whispered that last part into my ear.

I looked at my phone and I had gotten a text from him.

William: I'm glad I have a friend like you too. And your a great friend too. But keep an eye on your man. Amber and I were talking about how she likes him and she looked like she has a plan and that's never good. So keep an eye on Lew, if she's planning on going after him, she won't stop until she has him, you remember when she kept asking him out multiple times until he did eventually say yes? She is more devious and evil now so she could do worse. I'm not saying she's a backstabbing bitch or anything just make sure you have a grasp on him so she won't be able to take him.
Me: ok, thanks for warning me.

I was holding my phone to where Lew couldn't see it, only me and William could see it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Lew asked me and William.

"Nothing." We replied.

"You guys were texting for 10 minutes since I woke up and it's about nothing?"

"Yea, it's nothing to be concerned about boo. I love you."

"Ok, love you too baby."

"You better" I said jokingly.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then my heart will break again." I said dramatically.

"Oh well we can't have that!" He said and we both burst into laughter. Our laughter was loud so it had woken up Kimmy and Amber. They jumped.

"What happened??" Amber asked jumping up and out of the chair.

"Sorry guys, me and Lew were laughing because of our dramaticness. Hahaha." I explained while laughing still.

"damn, you guys laugh loud." Kimmy said.

"Haha I know I do, I laugh like my mom, we both have a very loud laugh." I told her.

"I actually don't have a loud laugh, you only heard hers, my laugh is pretty quiet." Lew replied.

"Hey Heather?" William said looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Your nose is bleeding." He said, and everyone looked at me, I had blood running out of my nose, it was a lot of blood, how did I not notice this?? They got me paper towels and they cleaned my face up so I didn't have blood all over my face. After my nose stopped bleeding they cleaned my face again. After that the door opened and Lews parents walked in.

"Hey Heather." They said.

"Hey!" I replied.

"How are you doing?" His mom asked me. She sat down on the chair to my right while Lew was sitting in the chair to my left.

"I'm doing better than when I had to come here. Did Lew tell you about that?"

"No all he told us was that he was going to be missing school for a while and that it was important and that he wouldn't be home for a while. He said he would explain later then today he told us you and him were here and he told me the hospital and the room number and so we came here to check on you guys."

"Oh, well I had just gotten to school and I fell to the ground, I couldn't move or talk. I could blink and breathe though so he called 911 and he rode in the ambulance with me, once I got here I slipped into a coma for a few days. And yesterday I came out of the coma."

"Wow. Do they know what caused you to just collapse?"

"If they do they haven't told me."

"Wow. And your sure your ok?"

"Yea, I'm sure, I'm feeling a lot better actually."

"Well that's good."

"Hey mom, I'll be right back, I'm going to go to the vending machine for food. If anyone wants anything text me, food or drinks just text me what you want and I'll bring it back for you guys." Lew said. And I wanted some Pepsi and a sandwich so I texted him and told him that's what I wanted, he brought me exactly what I wanted.

"Thanks boo." I said.

"Your welcome baby." He leaned in and kissed me.

"Aww you guys are so cute together." his mom told us. Just then, we heard another scream.

"Kimmy into the bathroom now! William go in there too! We will say your the only one in there and that my sister left. Everyone else that's in here pretend you don't know anyone named Kimmy and let me do all the talking!" I said. Kimmy and William ran to the bathroom and they closed and locked the door behind them. A few seconds later the guy came back.

"Everyone else says she's in here. Where is Kimmy?" He asked.

"For the last time, we don't know anyone named Kimmy!" I exclaimed. I looked at Lew and he looked shocked at the way I was talking to the guy that had shot my best friend.

"Don't yell at him baby. He shot her, he might be willing to shoot you too." He whispered into my ear.

"Tell me where the fuck she is!" He yelled. I could see Amber behind him getting pissed and looking for something to hit him with. She found her metal bat. Oh shit she's going to just piss him off even more with that. I decided to text her.

Me: Amber don't you dare hit him with that bat. He doesn't know your there so out it down. All that will happen is that you will piss him off even more, leave it to me, I dealt with him yesterday and I can deal with him today with no violence.
Amber: but he is the one that shot Kimmy! I need to hit him!
Me: don't you dare. I got this.

I put my phone in Lews hand after I turned it off hoping that she would listen to me and not hit him, and she did listen to me.

"Now, you are going to tell me where she is before I shoot you." He told me.

"Go ahead and shoot me, but I don't know anyone by the name of Kimmy, and my guess is that if your looking for her in a hospital or if they say she's in here and your threatening or shoot people, my guess is that she died." I yelled at him.

"Well then mission accomplished, good bye everyone. And don't tell anyone about this because I have a picture of all of you guys so I can have people track you guys down and shoot each and every one of you." He told us. I looked at everyone and I was so calm, but they all looked like they had just seen a ghost.

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