chapter 13:

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Don't own anything

Punisher pov:

Myself dutch revy rock & benny are on a shipment mission hired again.

Punisher: where's your nephew?

Dutch: with his girlfriend eda. I told him he needs to be with her more often. This kinda job isn't really his liking

Revy tossed me another sandwitch. She gave me a kiss.

Revy: you rushed out without eating. Lex will have a fucking fit you keep doing that

Dutch: hehehe

Punisher: trouble maker is doing okay. Your still complaining about his white colored shirt

Rock: counted all those crates like you wanted me too. Are you sure he's it

Kid looking mad expression. Revy & i took noticed of him. Then the said kid looked at me his eyes widen.


Punisher: yes i am. Dutch i'll take him instead of revy

Revy: 如果他给你一个问题宝贝,我会杀了他

Punisher: 冷静下来爱,他看起来很平静,因为他看到了我

Kid irritating me. He takes a bite of the pizzas i offered him.

Punisher: you know a rich kid thinks he's above everything else. Roanapur is not a place for you

????: you & the other guy seem normal for me. Well i know you very well among other super heroes. How you end up with them?

Punisher: what's wrong with that?. Got a name?

Garcia: garcia Lovelace

Punisher: your from Venezuela. Rich family

Garcia: yes i am. How you know?

Punisher: my friend lex have a close friend. Does apex predator ringing any bells?

Garcia: Yes he & the maid roberta are in a relationship wait who's lex?

Punisher: anyways. I read what happened & i believed you. I'm pretty sure weed guy ace pilot & his girl are ...

Revy pov:

Dutch: not cool i don't like how this feels

Punisher: neither do i

Rock: apex predator. Wasn't he a rival to destroyer?!

Revy: he told me there not anymore since the operation desert storm

Rock: cartel lie to us

Revy: rock. Don't take pity of our cargo

Punisher: i as a anti hero. I half take pity for the kid. He hasn't done nothing wrong. Sure he's spoiled & has a mouth thinking he's all higher authority there are things i cannot do. You know that i know that

Dutch: i agree on punisher's point of view

I got closer to him

Revy: & the world is gonna keep on turning. You seen the ugly side same as us. I am no super hero

Punisher: reconsider i can make you one.

Dutch: damn

He left to check on the kid. I blushed agape. My heart beat faster. I looked at my gun symbol that i am called two hands.

Revy thought: 也许...

To be continued:

I feel like releasing this chapter


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