chapter 29:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Destroyer didn't need to safe eda revy distracted Shenhua.

Destroyer: CAREFUL UNCLE ONCE YOU GET TO THE DOCKS. Some crazy guy with a flamer thrower did all that


Shenhua throws her kunais revy blocked them with her arm. Eda shoots Shenhua. Chinglish is still alive.

Punisher: REVY!?

Revy: IT HURTS DAMMIT. Y/N i'M ...

Punisher: bite this okay

He took them off screaming can be heard. He rubbed alcohol on it kill infection, & bandished. She leaned her head against his chest.

Revy: that was fast💗

Punisher: i wonder if i ask steve rogers to inject you with..

Revy: please ask him


Destroyer shot her chainsaw. Skyler kicked her off the roof. Gas explosion. Her device that allowed her to talk fell off the roof.

Destroyer: hmm?

Skyler: uh oh she can't talk without the device she had

Eda: LEX

Eda hugged him

Eda: thank goodness nothing missing

Punisher: still alive sidekick

Destroyer: sit on it & rotate. Jason Voorhees daughter drop her voice machine

Eda: one of those huh. She's probably got emotional issues. I run into these types of people before, very unpredictable

Rock: what do we do with her?

Revy: hey spooky. This is what happens when you try to be something your not

Rock: punisher patch you up

Revy: yep. In return i'l fuck him💗

Punisher: hehe💗

They got off the roof right before the building collapse.


They got on the boat. Skyler stayed behind with wizard. He took Shenhua home bridal carry.

Shenhua: sorry for attacking your flight lead💗

Skyler: i forgive you💗. Destroyer punisher eda & two hands. Good luck

To be continued:


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