chapter 23:

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Don't own anything

Lex pov:

Jane introduced to them except me. Then she started ranting about making counterfeit money eda interrupting her.

Eda: does this story your telling has an end?, do we at least get a bathroom break like they had it in battle of the bulge

Punisher: don't jynx it

Jane: your the ones asking me why i am in this mess what? Are your bored?

Revy: punisher eda lex? Her attitude reminds me of someone. She's just that bitch from my childhood welfare center

Punisher: oh god revy please no anything but that😰

Yolonda snickering

Revy: hey babe i said the truth. Truth set us free

Jane: whatever. Anyway the fact is this type of research is both money & time

Yolanda: that's enough. I think we all got the idea

Lex: this city suprises me every darn day

Punisher: no shit

Eda: so you screw them over by with your dazzle

Jane: that's exactly what those idiots said

Destroyer: why here or all places?

Jane: idk. Here's the proof

She showed us the counterfeit bill & real bill (Something like that) revy can be the judge.

Revy: Destroyer wanna take a look?

Destroyer: no

Revy: okay. He's totally livid

Yolanda: i agree with the young man

Destroyer: M is on the right. Sorry revy

Punisher: oh dang 😅

Revy: now your

I glared at her

Revy: 我会闭嘴😓

Yolanda: revy is useful as a pair of marbles

Punisher: now lets get to the chase

Jane: we missed our deadline. Then these thugs showed up & they shot my operator theo brought with me on germany

Lex: oh great. Family gonna be asking for revenge if he has a family

Punisher: he had a history of this illegal nonsense for them not to care though

Destroyer: good point anyways

Jane: with him gone all of our efforts are wasted. THEY DIDN'T GET IT


eda: oh God

Revy: never seen him getting this all worked up 😰😱

Destroyer: i am done helping you. I thought i made sure to get you out of

Punisher: duty calls for me, as much as counterfeit money is bad on so many levels. She is calling for help after all

So i guess myself & punisher are gonna help her.

To be continued:


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