chapter 31:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Balalaika's soldiers came in killed a few japanese yakuza. At a nightclub rock transflates for Balalaika to talk to the clan leader kousa clan leader. Punisher & destroyer with them.

They heard a phone ringing its at the. Lex & y/n bit annoyed by this short blond guy. Said blonde noticed revy standing next to her anti hero boyfriend.

Timeskip Punisher pov:

Revy: is it almost over

Punisher: patients

Rock: its time for socializing now

Revy: its a waist of time

Rock: just to make sure things don't go down south

Punisher: i'm usually not a all nighter guy

Revy: you were a marine right?

Conversation is cut off when this blonde guy from earlier showed up.

????: so i heard

Guy puts a hand beside her. She tell him fuck off. She puff her smoke at his face.

Revy: at least my boyfriend here punisher doesn't smell like you

Rock: lets go you two

Punisher: hey baka. Come near my girlfriend. I will punish you with a bullet to the head. Goodnight

He's just about punch me in the gut. But i caught crushed it elbow him in the face & threw him in the wall. Aimed my m4 at his head.

Guy named oshida & his friends reconized who i am he lectured this asshole. Lex shows up blonde got really really scared.

Destroyer: bothering you again?

Punisher: first time

Rock: he had a gun in holster. He just testing you to draw first

Punisher: just a warning. I have bigger guns then him

Revy: getting good at this rock. Warning point to the head is a fair move. Punisher baby, nobody like this dipshit ain't gonna listen to fair warnings. Devil dog himself knows that

Destroyer: this guy is gonna draw a gun on us at some point

To be continued:


black lagoon: punisher CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now