chapter 25:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Skyler aka pheonix joined rock destroyer revy eda & punisher outside parked car & battle van.

Rock: so your the pilot that killed that nazi old man!?

Skyler: yep. Flew all the way here

Punisher: flying a sukhoi 37 terminator right before russia discontinued it. Yet you kept yours

Skyler: yeah my dad gave it to me before his passing. Can't tell you where i parked it at

Revy: i seen what you can do on footage. You never pass out

Rock: so what are we waiting for?

Eda: by my calculations i'd say 1 million dollars give or take

Destroyer: even though i got millions more -_-

Revy: tch,

Punisher: hehehe

Rock: of course that's what gonna happen. I bet i will just be another gun fight. Defiantly another gun fight

Skyler: quit your bitchen. Seriously no wonder you left your own country. Former business man that worked for a company that came crashing down due to making nuclear weapons 😅

Rock: ああ、黙って

Skyler: whatever

Destroyer: so your girlfriend got hired?

Pheonix: she left me a note. I am not killing her. Revy 你不开始吗💢

Revy: chill i get it. I be grateful for a showdown. Devil dog your girlfriend rotten nun is blinded by her own greed

Lex: not my problem

Punisher: nobody isn't coming

Eda: there's no reason to be bent out of shape. My devil doggie is always a tough guy then this judge dredd over

Punisher: dafouq?

Eda pulls lex to her body rubbing her face moaned.

Revy: oh so you want competition huh

Revy sat on punisher's lap. Making eda pissed off.

Rock: skyler lets hang out in the van. No homo

Pheonix: i was about to get ready to say

Destroyer: you two my stick might stick around. Place eda recommended its where that girl i had arrested while back is sleeping there. Her name is jane

Skyler: JANE!?. the girl that makes counterfeit money & talks too much!?. The fuck she doing here of all places?

Eda: guess what pretty any minute now. Collection of roanapur's finest are gonna come charging into the place, & let me tell you whats gonna happened when they do

Lex: she gave them room number tricking them to think she is in that said room but she is in another one giving her time to escape that's when we make a move

Revy: why is something so convenient happen?

Lex growled at her revy sweatdropped

Revy: oh .. sorry

Eda: she'll most likely run to the hallway to see what's going on

Destroyer: still its stupid because she'll end up give away her position. How can you tell when you hear someone break down a door you went & see who it is instead of running away giving them a slip

Punisher: so let me get this straight. You wrote something saying " escape from death " meaning arrow to the window behind her

Pheonix: *whistle* awesome sauce

Eda: you damn right

Punisher: good greif *facepalmed*

Revy: shit!

Rock: sounds a little to simple to work, what kind of person relies on graffiti for advice

Destroyer: lets see you 3 do better then

Revy/punisher/rock: PLEASE CALM DOWN😰😱

Girl running past them.

Revy: FUCK!


To be continued:

Later have a good Saturday

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