chapter 14:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Balalaika got a call from dutch to check a background about the lovelace family & the manisalera cartel. Lex hills is in the office with her.

Balalaika: we just picked up a job involving the manisalera cartel. Your timing is in impeccable dutch

Dutch: " thanks i owe you one " were still in the process of setting up our insurance. Don't stir things up too much

Lex chuckled a bit

Balalaika: " well that's impossible " you know the way this business works. When things get stirred up, they stirred up like a typhoon

Dutch: "(sighed) just do your best & keep it cool "

Balalaika: very well. Shall i get back to you at your office?

Dutch: " no well be having a drink at the yellowflag, you can find us there "

Balalaika: i'll send your newphew with the intel we gathered. Lately he has done it so very well

Dutch: " allright "

He puts down the radio

Dutch: so rock punisher. Is the lovelace father has some kind of troops to rescue his son or he was just bluffing?

Punisher: they cannot afford more than one person for the entire household

Rock: financially yes. They do a servant

Dutch: servant?

Punisher: housemaid of course. Kid mention that said maid is engaged with another ace pilot

Revy: another ace pilot besides destroyer & Phoenix!?

Rock: he goes by the name apex predator. Supposed rival to your nephew

Dutch: yeah i know who he is. James whitley that's his name. Lex said he hasn't seen him since the gulf war & before that the mystery round table air war

Meanwhile. Maid with an former ace pilot on a boat arrived at town.


Black lagoon head to the bar. Y/n castle listens to garcia about 1 maid her names roberta. Not very good at cleaning or doing chores.

Y/n: then why your father hired her?

Garcia: that i don't know. Your guess is good as mine

Y/n: clumsy type. Reminds me a few friends.

Garcia: still she is stronger than your girlfriend but not as strong as punisher or the apex's rival the devil dog himself avengers & anything other super heroes. But she's gonna save me

Revy: HAHAHAHA THAT'S THE MOST FUNNIEST THING I HEARD ALL DAY. She's not gonna throw a fucking tea cup is she

Punisher thought: oh revy. You sweet summer child

Punisher pov:

As i listened to his story. One time they were doing arm wrestle game. Cartels came then she wouldn't move her arm he struggled to beat her. So she's got muscles.

Punisher: she's been loosing to you on purpose holding her strength back. Good reason why roberta played the weak timid

Garcia: so you can tell

Punisher: been around other super heroes who arm wrestle hulk & the thing for example. Sounds like about to meet someone who's not what they say there are

Revy: (sighed) you been around heroes. I can believe you

Dutch: so where about to have trouble?

Punisher: oh yes

Timeskip author pov:

Lex & boris got intel showed it to Balalaika.

Boris: fallen nobilty. Wife died 4 years ago. Picture here are the father diego lovelace, his only son garcia former ace apex predator james whitley & his fiance one servant a housemaid & caretaker for the boy

Lex & the Balalaika noticed something

Balalaika: i don't like this

Lex: well well got ourselves a another dog besides me

Balalaika: ma'am devil dog?

Balalaika: comrade sargent, take a look at her eyes. Do you noticed anything

Boris: eyes of a soldier

Balalaika: that's not all. She is one hell of a rabbit dog

Destroyer grinned showing his eyes of a ace. Giving Balalaika & boris chills.

Destroyer: apex how the hell did you get this dog to love you?. It seems my territory is being invaded. Coming out of hiding..... blood hound

Black lagoon arrived just arrived right on time roberta fires her shot gun umbrella.


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