chapter 20:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Balalaika tells lex on the line. Children hansel & gretel are from romanian. He & eda are at home together.

Lex: captain. With your permission i need to investigate how they end up being here. So you get the people who pay for the tickets

Balalaika: " предоставленный товарищ, let me know asap when you find what your looking for "

He hangs up

Eda: you got this?

Lex: yes

He kissed her on the lips. He later found out who it is. He called her again. She asked her men to pick him up meet her with mr chang.

It was raining hard. Chang assured her & lex is secured. She also asked bucky as well.

Lex: found out who brought them here. Verrocchio brought them to get rid you guys so he can take control of roanapur

Chang: that bastard

Winter soldier: never trusted him

Balalaika: i see

Lex: so about the kids. Who were they?

Balalaika: we found this out at rowan's shop

Bucky: i bet he was scared shitless

Balalaika: my request was European kiddy porn. Featuring romanian twins. He had 250 titles for me

Lex thought: good thing punisher isn't here. This isn't gonna be good for him

Balalaika: i spend the night & half the next day looking at these videos made by pedophiles & perverts until i hit the jackpot. Hansel & gretel that's where little brats there called

Winter soldier: i heard about them

Destroyer: what a fucked up fairy tale

Balalaika: after ceausescu was overthrown. Many children were sold to the black market by institutions that can no longer afford them little children of a fallen dictator

Chang: turned into toys for child molesters usually end up as pig food

Lex: but there's something else is it captain?

Balalaika: for entertainment the perverts filming this stuff made these kids take part in the killings

Winter soldier: a battle royal to the death

Lex: so they can free themselves from darkness. But the world sees it differently. World isn't pretty & rainbows

Balalaika: yes. They are required to kill other children. More kids in the same situation as them. In order to stay alive they learned how to kill their victims that will pleased to the twisted audience. Kill or be killed at some point they just accepted it. There innocence has long forgotten. They descended into the world of shadows

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