
61 0 0

• Extremely Foldable Wings
• Immunity to a Death Song's amber and siren call
• Spilling poison secreted from the skin

• 13

• 14

• Mystery

• Death Songs
• Fish
• Other Dragons

• 0

Fire Type:
• Venom Spit

• Caves
• Forests

Jaw Strength:
• 8

Shot Limit:
• 0

• 40 Feet Long

• 18

• 9

• Uncertain

• 20

• Fire
• Hardened Amber
• Lack Of Control
• Pack Dependancy

• 1,000 lbs

• 60 Feet

Giant winged snakes with venomous scales and fangs. The poisonous dragons tend to hunt in packs. A Slitherwing's bright coloration indicates its venom level. The more colorful the Slitherwing, the deadlier the attack. These oversized serpents slither at top speeds, sedate prey with the toxins in their bites, and drag them back to their pit for dinner. Equally aggressive against Vikings and dragons, Slitherwings fear only one thing: fire.

Slitherwings appear to be quite enduring, as a few individuals were shown to withstand repeated attacks from the Dragon Riders' dragons, several even taking direct shots to the head only to shrug them off.
Slitherwings are also relentless in their pursuit of prey even after battling other dragons and are persistent enough to capture even the deadliest of foes, such as Death Songs. They can also slither at alarming speeds and are quite agile and maneuverable while flying.

Slitherwings appear to be quite enduring. Slitherwings are also relentless in their pursuit of prey even after battling other dragons and are persistent enough to capture even the deadliest of foes, such as Death Songs. They can also slither at alarming speeds and are quite agile and maneuverable while flying.

Slitherwings are not shown to be particularly strong, but are proficient when it comes to combat, and able to out think their opponents in quick battles.

Although they heavily rely on their use of venom to gain the upper hand, Slitherwings also employ the use of their stealthiness and bright colouration to ambush and startle enemies, and their aerial agility and maneuverability to prevent their foes from escaping.

The Slitherwing secretes venom from their mouths and skin. The venom is fatal to both Viking and dragon alike (only the Grim Gnashers are immune to their poison) and is said to sedate the victim, rendering it immobile and defenseless, ready to be picked up by the Slitherwing.

The toxic can quickly be absorbed by victims through any means of contact, although skin-to-skin transmission is the preferred method. Upon contact, the poison quickly enters the victim's bloodstream, causing negative reactions to the body, and can kill a human within a day if not treated with an antidote. The venom is injected when the dragon bites.

Symptoms of Slitherwing poisoning include pale discoloration, green patches on the skin, extreme fatigue, and increasing pain.

The skin-secreted poison can easily be spilled by the Slitherwing using sudden movements, tail flips, or by merely slithering on the ground. It is also able to directly launch quantities of poison at its targets utilising its tail as means of launching it. Due to the fact that they are coated in this poison, they are probably immune to it. Despite the lethal effects of the venom, Slitherwing venom is also included in the antidote, along with angel fern root, and pine sap.

The poison of some individual Slitherfangs can smell sweet.

The Slitherwing has the ability to spit venom from its mouth at potential victims, serving as its firepower and adding to their overall danger.

The thick skin coating also protects the dragon from external substances applied to it, such as Death Song amber. The amber is unable to stick to the Slitherwing and thus unable to expand and solidify, rendering a Death Song attack on a Slitherwing useless. They might also be protected from the ice breath powers of some dragons.

Slitherwings have a pair of wings that can fold onto their bodies, letting them slip through very tight cracks. They can retract their wings so far as to appear wingless almost resembling a giant snake, and unfold them as quickly as they need to.

Slitherwings can burrow through the ground to live in them. When Slitherwings are threatened, they hide in their burrowed holes inside their cave to defend themselves.

Slitherwings have no control over their poison, meaning their toxic substances generate involuntary. If a nice Slitherwing wants to cuddle they could potential kill their friend, unless they have a poison proof suit.

Slitherwings are highly aggressive, instinct-driven, territorial dragons that hunt in packs, hunting most anything they can get their fangs into, including other dragons. They sedate their prey with their toxins before dragging it back to their cavernous lair to be eaten. They sleep coiled in a spiral in caves and caverns. Slitherwings share a fear of fire with Fireworms. Slitherwings appear to be immune to a Death Song's enchanting song, as well as its amber firepower.

Socialised Slitherwings can actually be quite friendly with Vikings. Showing affection is difficult, however, due to the poison mucus covering its skin.

The Slitherwing's extremely aggressive and instinct-driven nature and high levels of toxicity render it very difficult, if not impossible, to train. Even so, Slitherwings are able to be trained, although it requires some time and introductions to humans.


Titan Wing:

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Titan Wing:

Titan Wing:

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