Monstrous Nightmare

62 0 0

• Jaw Expansion
• Self-Immolation
• Wing Blast

• 12

• 15

• Stoker

• Apple
• Corn
• Crab
• Fish
• Mutton
• Rat
• Wild Boar
• Yak

• 15

Fire Type:
• Kerosene Gel

• Caves
• Forests

Jaw Strength:
• 6

Shot Limit:
• 10

• 64 Feet 1 Inch Long
• 15 Feet 10 Inches Tall

• 16

• 9

• Yes

• 5 (When Baby)

• Blue Oleander
• Dragon Root
• Dragonvine
• Eels
• Flame Loss
• Grimora Parasites
• Lack Of Stealth
• Turning In Flight

• 5,040 lbs

• 72 Feet

Monstrous Nightmares are known as some of the most ferocious and aggressive dragons. As a member of the Stoker Class, these dragons are hot-headed and have a particularly strong ability to breathe fire. Monstrous Nightmares are known for setting their entire body on fire. These dragons are incredibly fearsome and can also fly at a high speed.

Sly and sneaky, Monstrous Nightmares also use their claw-tipped wings to crawl along the ground. Their intimidating glowing eyes strike fear to those who come near.

While these dragons might appear intimidating at first, it is important to remember that they can be trained. All that these belligerent dragons need is a firm hand and a confident trainer.

Monstrous Nightmares breathe an organic Kerosene Gel, which is hotter and more powerful than an ordinary flame. Their fire is hot enough to burn down a tree in a few seconds.

Its signature attack is known as the "Fire Jacket", "Flame Jacket", or "Fire Burst". This ability makes it engulf itself in flames resulting in an intimidating, offensive, and defensive manoeuvre similar in appearance to napalm or other gel-based incendiaries.

They are able to set any part of their body on fire, and they are also able to fire off a larger and more powerful fire blast whilst doing this. It's also said that, while running downhill, the Fire Jacket ability makes the Monstrous Nightmare appear like flaming river; spreading the fire on the surrounding ground.

Monstrous Nightmares have the ability to Fire Burst to increase their body temperature so they can dry off.

The natural form of the Monstrous Nightmare's kerosene gel saliva is shown to be green in color. It coats the dragon's hide, allowing a Nightmare to 'flame up'. The gel is also slimy, and easy to rub on surfaces. It occurs in a large enough quantity for a Viking to collect and store for other uses. The gel is highly flammable and is one of the tools to efficiently penetrate the Death Song's amber substance. Nightmare gel isn't water-soluble as it dissolves in water instead of staying intact.

Dried, the gel is heat resistant and it can also be a great adhesive.

Monstrous Nightmares drool excessively as babies, as many species do. However, that drool contains the kerosene gel that coats the scales and makes it very volatile.

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