
93 1 0

• Blending In With Dark Clouds
• Consumption And Immunity To Electric Eels
• Electrokinesis
• Ice Hibernation
• Riding lightning bolts to achieve supersonic speeds
• Singing

• 10

• 14

• Strike

• Electric Eel
• Fish
• Mutton
• Singetail

• 12

Fire Type:
• Lightning

• Cold Regions
• Forests
• Mountains

Jaw Strength:
• 5

Shot Limit:
• 4 (Recharges From Storm Clouds)

• 22 Feet Long
• 6 Feet Tall

• 11/19

• 18

• Yes

• 0

• Attraction To Metal
• Metallic Spine Dependency
• Silver
• Toxic Substances
• Water

• 1,800 lbs

• 31 Feet 1 Inch

The Skrill is an electrical dragon. It can absorb and store electrical energy from lightning bolts. Using its metallic spines, it can channel the lightning through its body and fire out destructive blasts through its mouth. Since the electrical charges in thunder clouds are very active, Skrills can achieve very powerful firepower. Skrills also have the ability to direct multiple bolts of lightning at once, striking anyone or anything around themselves at the same time, making them greatly feared by Vikings. They can also store the electrical energy in their bodies and use it at a later time. Its ability to harness and store electricity gives it a static field, which makes people's hair stand on end if they get too close. Skrills can also summon lightning to break out of a dragon proof cage.

The Skrill can "ride" lightning bolts. While riding on these lightning bolts, the Skrill is capable of travelling a couple of kilometres in a tenth of a second, which would mean that the Skrill can travel at several times the speed of sound. This move makes the Skrill far faster than any other dragon, despite the stats saying otherwise.

Skrills can create an electrical field that acts similarly to a force field. While doing so, the dragon closes its wings around its body, and swings its tail upwards. It then forms a small electrical field that can be used to block projectiles.

Unlike other dragons' fire attacks, Skrills have the ability to shoot blue lightning bolts over great distances. It is said to be able to direct multiple lightning bolts at once. If someone gets hit by the Skrill's electric blast, they'll only be able to talk gibberish for a short while.

The Skrill's lightning blasts are equally as powerful as a Night Fury's plasma blast. When the lightning blasts of a Skrill and the plasma blasts of a Night Fury meet head-on, a massive energetic explosion will form which can knock dragons from the sky.

Skrills have a shot limit of four. However, they can recharge their shots while in a thunderstorm. It often does not need to take good aim before firing as it can afford to miss, seeing as its shots are easily rechargeable in a thunderstorm.

Skrills have the ability to release all of the electricity stored in their bodies at once, which causes a huge wave of electricity to travel outwards in all directions. This attack is seldom used since it uses up all of the Skrill's lightning reserves. Skrill's electric blast can neutralise its fire. The Skrill's lightning blast is the only dragon fire known to effectively neutralise a Singetail's.

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