The beginning

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"Simba and Mufassa are dead." Announced Scar in front of all the the lionesses. I hid behind my mothers front legs as 50 hyenas descended from the top of pride rock into a defensive live in-front of Scar.

All three teenage lionesses wept at the death of their father. (Read story description)

Sarabi, Simba's mother, wept for the death of her only cub and beloved husband. My mother comforted her as she is her best friend.

I looked around, the sun had gone down and it was dark, but I made out just one lioness smiling. Zira, she is a cub, only a month older than me. She has no mother or father and only joined the pride as a young cub, still during Mufassa's time. Mufassa made sure she was fed, she mostly hung around Scar and is his favourite.

I watch as Scar announces the new laws regarding the hyenas and how they will be staying in the Pride lands from now on. Scar tells us that  they will be enforcing our obedience to him and have the right to discipline us if they have the ok from him. We however can not lay a paw on them.

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